3 reasons you need a solid mobile strategy

 1. Loyal customers want a mobile app

When organizations and persons contemplate between a mobile app or a mobile friendly website application, a strong consideration in the decision-making process is providing a modern and relevant platform to provide customer service and an opportunity for engagement with one’s most loyal clientele as well as prospective clientele.  A mobile app will provide businesses the opportunity to assist their customers and prospective customers with issues they may experience with a company’s products, services, or even technological issues such as difficulties ordering products or service. The convenience offered to customers to get access to customer service with the touch of an icon will help to bolster the quality of service Mobile apps are also a powerful  tool for increasing retention of your loyal customers by offering exclusive benefits such as discounts and promotions, as well as breaking news. 

​2. Data Mine

Knowledge is wealth and in particular, the more you know about your customers or those interested in your products and services, the better position one will be in to grow their income. A mobile app also carries the considerable benefit of providing an additional wealthy source of user data. Not only can the data from app usage help to understand the customer psychology of the mobile app users but by comparing the data from different platforms, it will also help understand the psychology of the wider breadth of one’s customers. Collecting such data will allow one to better understand their customers and prospective customers, which in turn, will provide for more appropriate marketing.  

3. More session time on mobile apps in comparison web sessions

​In comparing data collected to determine engagement levels of users of mobile apps versus websites across more than 600 brands, Adobe Digital Index found that tablet users spent an average of 24 minutes per mobile app session, while smartphone sessions were much shorter (nearly 13 minutes). Interestingly, Adobe Digital Index found that compared to those browsing websites, however, the mobile app sessions were 3 to 4 times longer. Moreover, the study found that consumers, on average, utilize mobile apps more than twice as often as they visit the typical mobile website. Given that users are spending more time on mobile apps then websites and are utilizing mobile apps more than mobile websites, it is worthwhile to investigate what sort of mobile apps users are utilizing.

Forrester’s US Consumer Tenchnographics Behavioural Study from October 2014 to December 2014 provides further insight as to the allocation of time spent by mobile app users on various categories of mobile apps. . 
As highlighted by Forrester’s pie chart, the usage among the many different categories of mobile apps is considerably even.  This helps to demonstrate that mobile apps are relied upon for a multitude of functions and not only for social media use. Smartphone and tablet users have grown (and continuing to grow more) accustomed to downloading and using mobile apps to organize and complete an array of functions in both their personal and professional lives. In one moment, an individual can utilize mobile apps to listen to the morning news and to help prepare a healthy breakfast. The very next minute, the same person can utilize mobile apps to help them crunch numbers or prepare their proposal for their morning meeting and to communicate with team members. The success and utility of mobile apps are limited by no factor other than creativity. If it can be conceptualized, it can be materialized.

HTML5 or Native? Which Kind Of Mobile App Is better For Your Business?

Many individuals and organizations that are new to mobile apps and software programming in general are confused by esoteric terms prevalently used by app development companies. Unfortunately, the use of esoteric terms coupled with many app developers neglecting to provide clients a careful explanation of the nature of app development, its process and options transpires to unnecessary expenses, delays in product releases, and ultimately an unsuitable product for a client. The following offers a very short synopsis to help determine whether a HTML5 or Native app is most appropriate for a client’s needs:
HTML5 apps are mobile websites that operate via a mobile phone’s internet browser. Perhaps the greatest benefit of HTML5 apps is that such apps are relatively inexpensive to develop and maintain. HTML5 apps are also device agnostic, which means that they would operate on any iPhone, Ipad or Android platform and are also able to adjust to the specific mobile screen size and user interface. 

When is  a HTML5 App Most Appropriate?
A HTML5 app should be chosen over a Native app when a person or organization wishes to adopt a mobile strategy, albeit, one that is of moderate importance of their overall marketing strategy and as such, wishes to be employ a conservative budget.  For instance, a company operating an e-commerce website may wish to develop a HTML5 shopping app to capture surging mobile traffic and mobile shopping consumer behaviour.
Native apps are installed through an application store such as Google Play or Apple’s App Store. Native apps are developed specifically for a single platform, which proves to be more costly. Nonetheless, Native apps have a greater scope and depth of programmable capabilities and can tap into a mobile device’s core features such as its camera, push notifications, calendar and so on. Moreover, a Native app allows for a superior user interface and an enhanced user engagement capacity providing a true mobile experience.

When is a Native App Most Appropriate? A native app must be developed if a person or organization wants to develop an app that necessitates greater functionality.  For instance, if an app needs to provide greater interactive functionality to allow users to more effectively communicate with a company or engage with content, a Native app is by far the more appropriate app solution. 

True Mobile Experience

App-Scoop’s research reveals that most mobile users prefer utilizing a Native app in lieu of a HTML5 app. The rationale behind this assessment is that in addition to quick and convenient accessibility, mobile users enjoy the greater functionality, user interface, and engagement proffered with Native apps. Although a Native app may be more costly, the value it creates for users when functionality and user experience is essential will invariably materialize as an excellent investment. 

How Often Should You Update Your App?

Updating Apps is a vital aspect of the app development scheme. Once an app is complete and released,  the next step for a developer is to maintain it and release updates from time to time to improve its functionality, aesthetics, and ease of use. There is no specified time frame as to how frequently an app needs to be an updated. The frequency of updates are contingent upon the need to expand the scope of an app, re-branding, alter functionality, and to incorporate user feedback. As such, the more significant the update, the more time it will require to develop and the less regular will be the update frequency. In other words, major updates often do not occur with great frequency whereas minor updates may occur with regularity.  For the reasons specified below and contingent on the element being updated, it may be worthwhile to release small updates regularly rather than wait a considerable period of time to release a major update. Nonetheless, too frequent updates may lead to user annoyance as well.
Updating an app creates loyalty within the user base and encourages non-users to download an app based on stronger reviews and ratings. The reason for this is that if your app does not improve functionality and repair bugs, users who enjoy your app will search for an alternative that meet their needs.    Users of an app may be willing to utilize an app for a period of time but their loyalty may wane without updates especially if there are bugs or if a similar app provides expanded functionality. Without updates addressing bugs, user concerns or user suggestions, annoyance may mount resulting in users leaving poor reviews hurting the reputation of the app and in turn, it’s marketability. In the alternative, releasing updates signals to users the extent of a company’s dedication to their app and thus, furthering user loyalty Creating and strengthening user loyalty will lead to improved marketing with not only the app itself but as a brand at large.

Using Agile Methodology for Developing Apps

Prior to downloading a mobile app, users will often examine ratings and reviews of a mobile app. After downloading the mobile app, common human nature dictates that users will discontinue use of and uninstall a mobile app if the mobile app proves to be unreliable and download a superior alternative.  Understanding this consumer psychology, App-Scoop diligently develops mobile apps that are robust and reliable at the outset to capture new users through positive reviews and to maintain retention of mobile app users via satisfaction of mobile app use. 
App-Scoop employs agile methodology to ensure not only the development of robust and reliable mobile apps but also to ensure correctly capturing a client’s vision and preferences concerning design, user interface, functionality and response. Agile methodology involves multiple cycles of testing and feedback: users have the opportunity to view, use and test segments of functionality of applications while developers proceed to develop the next function. Users will be able to test the functionality and provide feedback along the development timeline allowing the developer to make changes to the app during the development rather than wait until the conclusion of the app development.  As such, agile methodology allows our clients to save both time and money as it provides for an ongoing feedback mechanism as we progress through development.