Using Agile Methodology for Developing Apps

Prior to downloading a mobile app, users will often examine ratings and reviews of a mobile app. After downloading the mobile app, common human nature dictates that users will discontinue use of and uninstall a mobile app if the mobile app proves to be unreliable and download a superior alternative.  Understanding this consumer psychology, App-Scoop diligently develops mobile apps that are robust and reliable at the outset to capture new users through positive reviews and to maintain retention of mobile app users via satisfaction of mobile app use. 
App-Scoop employs agile methodology to ensure not only the development of robust and reliable mobile apps but also to ensure correctly capturing a client’s vision and preferences concerning design, user interface, functionality and response. Agile methodology involves multiple cycles of testing and feedback: users have the opportunity to view, use and test segments of functionality of applications while developers proceed to develop the next function. Users will be able to test the functionality and provide feedback along the development timeline allowing the developer to make changes to the app during the development rather than wait until the conclusion of the app development.  As such, agile methodology allows our clients to save both time and money as it provides for an ongoing feedback mechanism as we progress through development.