What Are Progressive Web Apps and How It Will Make a Difference

“You can’t just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they’ll want something new.” – Steve Jobs

First man discovered fire. Then came the wheel, then industries and machines and with technology came the constant change and modernization of the world today. When the mobile phone had first been launched, it was a luxury item which few possessed and now it is a necessity. The same can be said about the internet and increasing dependence of people on the web. 

Image Reference Source: https://www.digitalcommerce360.com/2018/05/28/progressive-web-apps-what-they-are-and-why-they-matter/

For years now the mobile community has been divided on platforms like:

  • Android
  • iOS
  • Symbian OS
  • Bada OS
  • Blackberry OS

By 2023, it is believed that the number of smartphone users, in Canada alone, will be approximately 30.4 million and the number of mobile phone internet users will be 30.9 million.

It is safe to say we live in a digital world where most tasks are now completed with a few clicks of a button. The top of the market has been the Android and iOS platforms which have effectively been ahead of the other competition. This year, 2019, is said to be different as the hot new buzz is about the Progressive Web Apps (PWA).

What are Progressive Web Apps?
“Progressive Web Apps are just websites that took all the right vitamins.” – Alex Russell, Software Engineer at Google.

The term progressive web app, coined by Alex Russell and Frances Berriman, is a set of practises to make a web application function similar to a desktop or mobile application. It is not a new framework or technology or an app even, but it aims to offer a uniform and seamless experience to the user so they cannot tell the difference between a PWA and a native mobile app.

PWAs are said to load like regular web pages but are also said to work offline and have more features similar to those of a native app. For example, while browsing a website, a consumer clicks on a banner which adds the application to their home screen. It runs in the background, works offline and is downloaded without the use of an app store. 

Image Reference Source: https://medium.freecodecamp.org/how-you-can-develop-progressive-web-apps-that-feel-native-5110fbbcbf4b

Many companies today have leveraged the power of the progressive web apps, like:

  • Twitter
  • Forbes
  • Fandango
  • Flipkart
  • Ola
  • Pintrest
  • Book My Show
  • The Weather Channel

Features and Principles of Progressive Web Apps
PWAs follow certain guidelines which ensures clear benefits to both consumers and merchants as well in this increasingly mobile world. Let us have a look at some of these features:

Progressive: The word alone means that PWAs work for all users irrespective of which browser they use. This is because they are built with progressive enhancement as a core tenet.

Responsive: PWAs would be able to automatically adopt different screen sizes and orientations like desktop, tablets and mobiles, which ensures a great user experience and a responsive design helps ensure the app will work on new devices in the future too.

Reliable: A PWA is not dependent on network and can work offline as well. This gives users meaningful content regardless of network conditions. They also have a minimum load time, making them instantly available.

Secure: PWAs are secure by default as the technologies powering these apps require content to be served over HTTPS in order to work. Thus ensuring content has not be tampered with and is safe.

App-Like: PWAs as mentioned feel like an App but are not an app. They provide app style interactions since they are built on the app shell model.

Fresh: These apps are always up to date because of the service worker update process and hence a user does not need to update the same like other native apps. These real-time updates lower down the waiting time for the end users and help the brands to improve the user engagement and retention rate, which eventually add value to their business.

Engaging: Usually native apps are much more engaging than web apps but having an icon on the home screen makes it easy to access the app. Push notifications and alerts also grab the user’s attention and helps re-engage them. Since it is available on the home screen it helps the brands to remain in the minds of the users and improve the chances of interaction.


Image Reference Source: https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-future-scope-of-Google-Progressive-Web-Apps

Installable: As mentioned, PWAs do not demand longer download time and make memory space available for installing the applications. They are easy to install and does not require the user to visit the app store.

Linkable: PWAs are easily shared via URLs and do not require complex instillation processes.

Discoverable: PWAs are easily identifiable as applications as they reside in browsers. This increases the chances to optimize them as per the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) criteria and improve the Google rankings like in the case of websites and other web apps.

Why Do We Need Progressive Web Apps?
Users spend most of the time on native apps, however mobile web reach is a lot more than that of native apps. It is evident that users are not actively engaged and usually spend time only on their select top apps.
Websites take time to load and those few seconds costs a business a customer. PWAs on the other hand are fast as the data is cache and restarting the app does not need a strong network. Since they behave like native apps, they have access to a devices functionalities and perform tasks seamlessly.
For many companies building native apps, the cost of developing, testing and maintain for several platforms would be ineffective and costly. PWAs would allow these companies to deliver competitive user experience without needing to develop apps for all platforms or dealing with distributing binaries and updates.
More and more companies are shifting towards PWAs as they are cost effective and work on all platforms. It is believed that users of Pinterest’s PWA spend 40% more time on the site compared to the previous mobile website. Ad revenue rates also increased by 44%, and core engagements shot up 60%.


Image Reference Source: https://waverleysoftware.com/blog/progressive-web-apps/

In Conclusion
Progressive web apps are the future. As coined by Alex Russell, we know that Progressive Web App is a type of regular web app but with some extras which enable it to deliver archetypal user experience and give the user the best of both platforms as it blends the desktop and mobile app experience in one.
If you would like to further discuss how PWAs can make a difference to your business, you can contact the App Scoop mobile app developers or app development team on: https://app-scoop.com/contact-us.html

Improving Supply Chains through IoT and Blockchain

“Every company, city, and country is becoming digital, navigating disruptive markets, …(and the) role in the digital transformation has never been more important.” – John Chambers, Former Chairman and CEO of Cisco Systems.
The era we live in today is a digital age where all industries have embraced and entered this digital world in some way. Industries get to harness the potential of digitization in various shapes and forms, thus making the best of this evolution.
The supply chain industry is no different and today, they rely heavily on digital technologies to ensure accurate data to help with delivery while optimizing resources. 

Image Reference Source: https://www.clearspider.com/blog-digital-supply-chain-transformation/
Digital Transformation and the Supply Chain Industry

Managing the supply chain is a large and complicated area, which is chaotic and filled with multiple challenges. There is a lot of manual work which costs time and money and in a way is a futile exercise with excess paperwork. 

Each stakeholder would want to manage their own paper work, ledger and data which could make things more complicated and in order to make sense of this data, a third party would need to be involved especially for bookkeeping.
Source: https://www.ecommerce-nation.com/future-iot-devices-ecommerce/

This would seem like a nightmare considering the large scale of globalization which has engulfed the markets. Providing in-time, safe delivery while maintaining supply chain transparency is becoming more tedious. Combining digital technologies would increase the efficiency, reliability, speed and transparency between the manufacturer, supplier and service provider.
In 2019, the Internet of Things (IoT) and Blockchain services will be enabled and will have an impact on most organizations. Blockchain and IoT can transform supply chains. However, this transformation will not happen overnight and will need experimentation on the part of companies to ensure the induction phase is smooth before expanding more.
Source: https://hackernoon.com/Blockchain-iot-for-supply-chain-1b07d4afd614

Blockchain Technology
Blockchain is a system of maintaining ledgers which can be traced and audited for collaboration in a secure fashion. This technology has great potential to help transform supply chain management as it stores and manages data, while allowing decentralized and autonomous transactions. This way it helps companies build and maintain customer trust while securing the data as well.

Internet of Things (IoT)
The IoT is a network of intelligent physical objects and things which can connect to a network in order to send and receive data. In a business, data is of prime importance as based on the accuracy of data major decisions can be taken. If the analysis is incorrect due to bad data, it can mean a big loss for companies. 

Source: http://searcherp.techtarget.com/definition/supply-chain-management-SCM
It is believed that by 2023, Blockchain will support the global movement and tracking of $2T of goods and services. Logistics and transportation companies are projected to spend about $40B each on IoT platforms.

Improving Supply Chain through Blockchain and IoT
In the supply chain industry, IoT and Blockchain together, can provide multiple benefits for all stakeholders. In the past there have instances where a glitch in the supply chain has led very unpleasant consequences. For example:

  • Spread of E-Coli virus due to spoiled lettuce
  • Consignment of meat stored incorrectly causing the shipment to go bad
  • Delay in delivery due to unforeseen traffic and roadblocks
  • Cancelling delivery as it cannot be delivered due to freight/customs issues

IoT and Blockchain technologies can help push the companies in the right direction and can also help save them millions of dollars. They can drive supply chain management to the next level using multiple sensors, GPS, remote temperature control, asset maintenance, operations monitoring and so on.
Let us have a look at a few key factors that the combination of these two technologies can deliver and help improve across the supply chain industry:

Real Time Supply Chain Visibility
It does not matter if the buyer or seller is in some remote location of the world. It does not matter if there are multiple parties involved in completing this transaction. Now there is end-to-end visibility of the supply chain right from order being placed till it is finally delivered.
Even if the stakeholders are globally dispersed, real-time visibility is possible to track goods and consignments, thanks to IoT devices, as they move through the supply chain. This information is uploaded on a Blockchain framework which allows all participants to access the necessary information. 


Image reference source: https://www.zetes.com/en/technologies-consumables/iot-in-supply-chain
Global Supply Chain Financing
One of the main threats of digitization is the increase in cybercrime. People are vulnerable as vital data is out there for thieves to hack into. It is only fair that they would be apprehensive about sharing data for online payments and overseas transactions.
On the other hand, transactions with clients based in other counties is also more tedious owing to the paperwork and bureaucracy which also leads to delays in international payments and dealing with regulations of multiple countries. Discrepancies here would mean significant delays or cancelling the entire order.
In such situations, IoT and Blockchain has significantly improved the landscape of international transactions. They speed up the movement of the goods, reduce the paperwork, prevent fraud and result in a more secure and efficient transaction. A previous cloud trail also makes it possible to speed up the payment process as once the programme has been set, regular and timely payments can be made automatically.
Source: https://blogs.oracle.com/profit/the-benefits-of-iot-and-Blockchain-for-the-supply-chain

Regulated, Controlled and Reliable
In certain industries like the F&B or pharmaceutical sector, consignments need to be transported at exactly the right temperature and at exactly the right time. Once the shipment leaves the warehouse it was not possible to control these factors.
IoT feed makes it possible to monitor the temperature, the quality and even the fastest and safest route to the destination. Modifications in temperature settings can also be done remotely. Sensors also make it possible to know when a container or transport vehicle is due for maintenance.
Blockchain technology and IoT ensures the data captured and received is tamperproof. Hence the security of the information is always guaranteed. This would not only be a boon to the medical industry but also any industry transporting sensitive or commodities of high value.

Data Analysis
As mentioned earlier, data plays a crucial role in any business and industry. IoT and Blockchain make it possible to share data securely with all stakeholders. This data can be analysed for new insights into their supply chain.
This data analysis helps realign sourcing and distribution networks as well as make changes and improve on the design of the supply chain. This data can also potentially solve complex supply chain problems.  

Final Thoughts
Tamperproof records, thanks to Blockchain and everything being connected between the real and digital world, thanks to IoT, helps reduce friction by eliminating third parties. Presently, Blockchain and IoT together are disrupting a lot of industries as this combination has been very powerful and effective.

Customers today are very concerned with fast delivery and exceptional personalized service. Companies have little to no choice in leveraging the digitized methods to provide customers with enhanced services.
If you would like to discuss the possible ways to innovate and transform your supply chain, you can contact the App Scoop mobile app developers and app development team on: https://app-scoop.com/contact-us.html.

Top 5 Reasons Why DevOps is Important

“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” – Charles Darwin.
Today’s world is fast-paced and constantly evolving. Man has come a long way since the discovery of fire and the invention of a wheel. The power of technology in this day and age is exponential in personal, daily lives as well as in the business world. 

Image reference source: https://www.freepik.com/premium-vector/caveman-computer_1608386.htm

A wave of digital transformation has globally blanketed all walks of life. In order to keep pace with this fast-moving environment, businesses need to find ways to digitize their core processes and systems and also ensure technology and applications are constantly updated.
During these transitions, friction and complications can arise between developmental and operational teams. To avoid these and to aim for a smooth digital transition, the DevOps approach helps bring the development and operations team together. It is more than methodology for a software development. It is a necessary culture to meet the needs to companies developing:

  • Software
  • Websites
  • Applications
How did DevOps Come Into Being?
Requirements of the digital world are fast changing. Software needs to be developed at a quick pace, marketed faster and it must be easy to update and fix glitches and bugs. This is not only the responsibility of the software developers. The operations team is equally needed to deploy and monitor new applications. This led to the DevOps approach.
This approach helps the company go beyond everything purely technical and helps ensure all levels of the company are involved and the key to success is communication. This way the whole company is working towards the success of the product not just the success of their job or involvement in the matter.
Source: https://www.combell.com/en/blog/what-is-devops-and-why-is-it-so-important/

DevOps are rapidly spreading through the community and this approach is attracting more and more companies to embrace it. An approach which unites teams and does not treat them as isolated entities ensures fewer conflicts as well. 

Image reference source: https://devskiller.com/screen-important-devops-skills/

Implementing the DevOps approach brings many advantages to an organization as a seamless set up gets to operate between the teams, testing executives and operational executives leading to a much better outcome in a project.

Why is DevOps Important?
“DevOps is a software development and application delivery method that takes a collaborative and integrated approach between application development (the Dev) and application operations (the Ops). The goal of DevOps is to deliver applications faster, at an increased frequency and with a lower failure rate.”
Source: https://kemptechnologies.com/ca/devops-tools-resources/
Effective utilization of the DevOps approach helps promote a healthy environment which encourages shared responsibility and accountability between teams leading to a high performing organization. Let us take a look at 5 top reasons why DevOps is important:

Shorter Development Cycle, Faster Innovation
When teams work independently or in separate silos, it is difficult to tell if an application is ready. There are needless delays. With a combined development and operations team, apps are ready a lot quicker which helps the companies innovate faster than their market competitors.
Shorter development cycle means the product comes to market a lot faster and hence it gives the company an upper hand in the market.

Reduce Implementation Failure, Rollbacks and Recovery Time
One of the reasons a team faces deployment failure is due to programing defects, bugs or glitches. Shorter development cycles promote more frequent code version, updates and releases, making it easier to spot shortcomings.
These implementation or deployment failures can be reduced with the help of the agile approach which allows collaboration and modular programming. This also makes it possible to manage rollbacks since only few modules get affected.
Recovery time is a critical issues as some failure is expected, but how quickly that failure can be rectified and recovered is a challenge during development. With the DevOps method, recovery is much faster as the teams for development and operations are already working together.

Healthier Communication and Cooperation
DevOps approach helps to improve the software development culture as combined teams are happier and more productive. The organizational culture is more focused on performance as a whole and not just on individual goals.
When a team trusts the other teams it becomes possible to experiment, innovate and produce market ready products faster. The operations team is no longer waiting for the development team and it can troubleshoot to fix problems as necessary. The key performance indicators can also be aligned and outlined accordingly.
With this healthy flow of information between the teams, the organization runs more effortlessly and the processes become more seamless as the organization works together towards a common goal. 


Image reference source: https://medium.com/@justops/why-is-devops-important-90597dbddd33

Increased Competencies
An increase in the company’s efficiency and competency helps to speed up the developmental process and reduce the rate of errors. Continuous use of servers can be automated. For example, the process of testing a code. This reduces the amount of manual work required, helping the engineers focus on other tasks.
Speeding up tools help increase efficiency like parallel workflows can be embedded into the continuous delivery chain to avoid delays. One cloud based server or environment reduces time in transferring data from one environment to another.

Decrease Costs and IT Staff
DevOps doesn’t only increase the pace of hange but since business is growing fast, the market is also changing rapidly. The company assess cultural, people, process and technology capacities to meet business goals. DevOps helps us to do things faster at higher quality. By automating testing, multiple man days of effort come down to an overnight hands-free process. Also, all the combined benefits of DevOps ensure a drop in general costs and requirements of IT personnel.

Final Thoughts
The growing automation and toolchain approach, the need for agile processes and development and operations collaboration along with implementations of ITIL and ITSM brought together principles, processes and practices and hence DevOps approach emerged.
Source: https://theagileadmin.com/what-is-devops/
Most of the businesses have adopted DevOps at a rapid rate and organizations are eager to take advantage of the faster delivery, better innovation and performance focused employee team method. DevOps is no more than a set of processes that coordinate and unify teams and processes to enhance software development. 


Image reference source: http://blog.binaryinformatics.com/technology/why-devops-is-important-5-reasons/

In conclusion, the impact of a new code is better understood in this practice as the flexibility of fast interaction with other teams helps resolving bugs and issues soon. Thus switching over to a DevOps approach would be a healthy choice for the overall environment and functioning of a company.
In order to make DevOps work for the company, you need a partner who can help and if you would like to discuss how with the App Scoop Vancouver mobile app developers and development team, you can contact us on: https://app-scoop.com/contact-us.html

Agile and DevOps – Essential in the Digital Transformation Journey

​Over the past decade, there has been a wave of digital transformation, which has fundamentally changed how organizations conduct their operations. A company goes through a metamorphosis with technology at its core to create new forms of business practices and added customer value. 
These digital challenges compel traditional officials to harness new ways of delivering greater customer satisfaction and more personalized experiences. This also helps companies survive in this largely competitive global market.
Superlative customer experience is of great importance for any business today and in order to successfully go digital, an organization needs to equip its infrastructure to handle the necessary demands and changes of the transformative initiatives. Companies need to focus on modernization of their core processes, systems and age old infrastructure on every aspect and level of operations 

Image Reference Source: https://www.dataversity.net/integrations-key-technology-enablers-digital-transformation/
The kind of disruption involved, to monolithic processes, often discourages businesses to make large changes or investments in new technologies. However, adopting agile approaches, global delivery models and DevOps are essential components for a successful journey.

Agile and DevOps: Moving Towards Digital Transformation
Adopting these practices, help companies transform and lead the market with the latest digital processes, sheds light on the challenges to come and also focuses on driving the following methodologies within the organization:

Improve Culture
Culture plays a very important role in successful implementation of agile and DevOps. The environment of a company needs to encourage adopting change, teamwork and agility. Involving customers and stake holders from the start is beneficial so that their feedback can be incorporated into the development process.

Management Commitment
For a successful transformation, management on all levels need to support and encourage the change. There needs to be a significant shift in the mind set and attitude so that support for the change starts at the top.

Providing proper training for its employees ensures companies will see best practices being utilized for the organizations benefit. This also leads to a higher rate of revenue and profit growth.

Relieve Time Pressures
Priority needs to be given to the most strategic work which needs to be completed first as opposed to juggling multiple tasks which may not drive towards the organizations strategy. These practices will aid organizations keep up with the continuously changing, and unpredictable, business environment.
Source: https://www.ca.com/en/blog-highlight/agile-and-devops-essentials-in-the-digital-transformation-journey.html


Image Reference Source: https://dzone.com/articles/what-does-devops-have-do-agile
Benefits of Agile and DevOps in the Digital Transformation Journey

“75% of respondents recognize that Agile and DevOps approaches drive significant business success when implemented together”
Source: http://www.idexcel.com/blog/agile-and-devops-motivating-digital-readiness-and-transformation/
The goal is to enable the organization to create quick, frictionless, friendly, risk-free value at scale, and the financial rewards that flow from that capability, as exemplified by:

  • Amazon
  • Apple
  • Facebook
  • Google
  • Microsoft.


Adapting to Feedback
One of the main benefits of using an agile framework, that it allows for rapid modifications as needed based on customer feedback. It allows for changes to take place at a much faster pace which also helps create a powerful digital customer experience.
Digital and domain skills, identifying the weakness as well as the use of modern software processes like DevOps and agile help ensure a smooth transition which focuses on the core infrastructure as well as changes at the customer service level.
(Source: https://www.infosys.com/insights/ai-automation/Pages/digital-transformation-core.aspx)

Cultural Shift
As previously mentioned, part of using this methodology is emphasizing a cultural shift, empowering employees, providing transparency and accountability between teams and individuals as well. Everyone from management to individual stakeholders receive necessary training, which helps understand and accept the change.

Work Environment
Change is never easy nor is it very easily accepted. Using agile methods and DevOps makes it possible to create a healthy work environment during the transition. Success can be celebrated by the team which also helps boost morale and increases productivity. This also helps make the transition smooth and frictionless.
Breaking down the walls between development and operations, DevOps makes it possible to process change faster and makes things run smoother, all by adopting the right approaches to the technology and bringing fresh thinking to organizational factors.

Market Creating Innovations and Scalable Operations
Agile and DevOps methodology helps to open up markets as well as transform products from complicated and expensive to simple and affordable. New products meet a new need which people did not know they earlier had. For example:

  • Personal computer
  • iPhone
  • Starbucks coffee

These practices make it possible for stakeholders to rapidly create and supply the needs of the market. 


Image Reference Source: https://www.anchor.com.au/blog/2016/09/aws-agile/
Success with Agile and DevOps Strategy

Digital transformation process is disruptive enough and therefore it is beneficial to use tried and tested approaches like Agile and DevOps strategies. They provide a framework for change and enable the organization to build the next generation of powerful digital experiences.
Source: https://www.cmswire.com/digital-workplace/how-agile-helps-drive-digital-transformation-forward/
In modern day dynamic environments, change is constant and businesses cannot remain stagnant if they wish to grow and prosper. The rule of survival i.e. evolution follows the same principle as digitization. Aligning the methodologies with business strategy helps foresee possible issues, and come up with solutions, which the business might face.
DevOps strategy and agile methodology help create the change right from the culture to the hearts and minds of the people.Experienced talent across the organization can be looped in to contribute to projects. This also allows boundary-less leadership which helps promote the vision and business strategy of a company.
Source: https://www.cio.com/article/3239004/12-tips-for-using-devops-to-fuel-digital-transformation.html

To Wrap It Up

Digital transformation is a key for success for any business operating in today’s volatile economy. And in this scenario, agile and DevOps methodologies are the essential components for a successful metamorphosis. Adopting these strategies and practices helps companies increase their development speed, efficiency and customer experience while ensuring a smooth transformation.
These strategies help make the organization flexible specially while addressing customer demands, expectations as well as new market opportunities. It is not enough to focus on the technology and processes alone, but also on the use and effective implementation of what is available at hand.
If you would like to further discuss how essential agile and DevOps methodologies are for a digital transformation journey, you can contact the App Scoop mobile app developers and app development team on: https://app-scoop.com/contact-us.html

Digital Transformation Strategies for the Automotive Sector

​Centuries ago transport meant travelling by horse and carriage. From then the automotive industry has revolutionized with the help of many technological advancements. The digital wave is expanding this revolution even more. The internet, smartphone, wireless networks and communication has made things convenient and changed consumer expectations.
Trends in the market are transforming the automotive industry with the change cycle starting with the highly empowered consumer. Customers are now well versed with the digital changes and benefits they offer in all walks of life. For them technology, including cars is not only about the purpose they serve but about a heightened experience. 

Image Reference Source: https://www.techarcis.com/qa-testing-automotive-sector-driven-digital-technologies/
In order to meet the customer’s demands, companies are in dire need to reinvent the core processes for businesses with the help of latest software systems, robotics, artificial intelligence and virtual reality. In this competitive market, it is important for car manufacturers to adopt technology and integrate the systems to ensure they survive.
By 2020 it is believed that the growing digitization and advancement in technology will increase automotive investments to $82 billion. This industry needs to adapt to and deal with a digitally enhanced consumers demands for an enhanced experience while:

  • Researching what car to buy
  • Purchasing a vehicle
  • Operating a car


What Does Digital Transformation Involve?
In this era of technological advancements, it is believed that businesses and industries would be vulnerable if they don’t innovate and create new business models. It is not sufficient to take on the latest technologies but it needs to be a process of transformation right from core systems, back end work to future digital visions and goals.
The automotive industry needs to increase their value add not just their level of production. A host of interrelated things can be considered for disruptive or transformational technologies which affect the following:

  • Product design
  • Sourcing materials
  • Manufacturing processes
  • Management practices
  • Information systems
  • Customer expectations and relationships

Unlike other transformations, the automotive industry has more to lose if they do not address the issue of digitization successfully. The strategies adopted need to be well planned and thought out in terms of how processes can be improved and how data analysis can help address customer preferences.
Source: https://www.arcweb.com/blog/digital-transformation-strategies-automotive-sector

Digital Transformation Strategies for the Automotive Sector
For companies wishing to stay ahead of the competition, their operating models will need to be modified so they can take advantage of the new technologies and be successful in this volatile market. 


Image Reference Source: https://cloud.oracle.com/automotive
The value propositions would need to be reshaped i.e. Products, services and customer engagement can be reshaped with all the information big data provides. Implementing this requires the firm to integrate all business activities and to optimize the use of data related to those activities.
Source: http://www.digitaljournal.com/business/digital-transformation-strategy-for-the-automotive-sector/article/531558
Let us have a look at some key strategies which would benefit the automotive industry:

Automatic Cars
There was a time when this would only be possible in sci-fi movies. However autonomous driving is predicted to be the next normal. GPS, camera sensors and algorithm’s makes it possible for these vehicles to safely navigate all circumstances.
Autonomous vehicles are also believed to be safer than regular cars as they can be controlled remotely and are expected to reduce the accident rates. With no driver, the experience is all about the passenger and extra attention would need to be given to the product design to ensure the customer has a heightened experience.

Transparency and Communication
 Personalizing a consumers experience and customizing their demands becomes easier as a digitized supply chain is more connected and leads to an improvement in manufacturing. This helps reduce the costs and engages a consumer.
Digitization allows for more transparency in the supply chain, manufacturing, designing as well as the delivery. Feedback is instant and artificial intelligence makes it possible for any discrepancies to be addressed and dealt with without delay.
Vehicles are also more connected to drivers like their smartphones, tablets and wearable’s. Right from assisted parking to infotainment on the dashboard, the cars need to be ready to satisfy the customer’s expectations.

Predictive Maintenance
Getting an alert or notification in case a part needs to be replaced or maintained can be done automatically and does not need a trip to a garage. Advanced self-diagnostic systems make it possible to alert the driver instantly.
Internet of things allows cars to be monitored remotely and ensure safety, fuel optimization and even monitor everyday safety. It is believed that by 2022, 24% of automotive manufacturers will have smart factories, showing their enthusiasm to translate this transformation with tangible results.

Share a Ride
Private and public car sharing or ride sharing is an element of our daily lives now. For example:

  • Uber
  • Lyft

Privately owned cars are being used as forms of transit and service oriented. This increases the scope for consumers to save money but could hamper the automotive industry. The companies would need to look at ways to grow in ridesharing, like tying up with tech-companies, in order to maintain their customer loyalty or increase it.

With digitization comes the added threat of cybercrimes. The automotive industry is data driven and smart cars, ride share apps, collect data about the driver or even passenger. Consumers can benefit from this but in the wrong hands this data can be lethal.
Manufactures know and understand the need for added protection and security which is why they need to keep advancing with the latest trends in the digital revolution. Digitization not only increases automation but also introduces new software’s to the industry which the companies must adapt to.
Source: https://www.bearingpoint.com/en/our-expertise/industries/automotive/digital-transformation-in-the-automotive-sector/

Digital Showrooms
The consumer today is well researched before they even enter a showroom to physically look at a car. It is no longer only about the salesman making a pitch regarding features because chances are they not only know the features of that car but of other models as well.
Showrooms now have virtual reality capabilities where only a handful of cars are on display but giant video screens display the relevant information. Virtual reality makes it possible for consumers to know the car inside and out. 


Image Reference Source: https://www.acea.be/industry-topics/tag/category/research-and-innovation
In Conclusion

Digitized technologies are transforming every aspect of the automotive industry and the connectivity provided is helping bridge the gap between a company and its consumers. It is believed that this is a $0.67 trillion of value at stake for automotive players and a further $3.1 trillion of societal benefits as a result of digital transformation of the industry until 2025.
Source: http://reports.weforum.org/digital-transformation/reinventing-the-wheel-the-digital-transformation-of-the-automotive-industry/
We may still be sometime away from completely autonomous cars but we are soon approaching a time where travel might not require driving at all. If you would like to discuss digital strategies, you can contact the App Scoop mobile app development Vancouver team on https://app-scoop.com/contact-us.html.

Digital Transformation in Mining

The digital revolution sweeping the globe has created opportunities for companies to fundamentally change and evolve their business model. It has unlocked a more customer centric, personalized, profit increasing, innovative and safety oriented opportunities for businesses.
In this changing market, the challenges faced by companies need to be tackled and addressed on priority. Many companies have been operating the same way for decades. Yet, they need to digitize their core processes to keep pace in this competitive market.
Let us look at the mining industry where change is now setting in quickly. Physical products and capital intensive supply chains are now being digitally assisted with technologies like:

  • Automation
  • Data analysis
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Drones
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • 3D printing
  • Seismic monitoring 

​The digital transformation of the mining companies has become vital for the business to survive, add value and flourish. The changing market and demands of the customers is also a key driving force in this transformation in the mining sector.

Digital Transformation: The Journey
Age old systems cannot be depended on to enhance and grow future business aspirations. To remain relevant in the competitive market, the company needs to transform at every level by creating new systems, core processes, operating systems and even business models with digitization at its epicentre.
Technology today can assist miners fulfil their roles with more safety and ease. There is a plethora of technology that assists, experiments and helps prioritize the best situations for maximum impact paving the way for autonomous mining in the future. 


Source: https://new.abb.com/mining/digital-transformation-in-mining-industry

Preparing for and Achieving Digital Transformation in Mining

In order to have a successful digital transformation, a company needs to align its vision with technology which will support the transformation i.e. a flexible digital architecture. This will help companies move from monolithic high cost and high risk projects towards more flexible ones.

Companies need to adapt to and accept a more agile method of embracing digitization. Unfortunately it is not only about the individual company but about the industry as a whole which needs to implement changes to avoid redundancy. 


Image Reference Source: https://www.itworldcanada.com/article/learn-from-a-canadian-mining-companys-dx-journey/408353

Effectively implementing a digital solution can lead a mining company to improve their productivity and give the business a stronger foothold in the market. Management must keep in mind that before starting the digital transformation process, the company must be assessed at how well it can and how best to implement the changes.
There are various processes in mining which are interdependent on each other and hence digital mining makes it easier to reduce departments and treat the entire unit as one. This not only lowers operating costs but improves health and safety and shows tremendous growth and improvement across all areas.
Size of the operation is of no concern anymore and mining technology can benefit big and small units alike. The agile method makes it possible to modify and customize the technologies to suit the company’s infrastructure making it possible for small operations to benefit and extract value as well.
Benefits of Digital Transformation in Mining

“There’s a lot being said about digital in the mining space of late…When we talk about digital, we’re really talking about the full range of innovations: technology, advanced analytics, digital, and another half-dozen other words I can mention: techniques that can really be used to drive improvements in productivity.” – Richard Sellschop, Partner, McKinsey and Company
In this world consumed by digital technologies, in order for a mining company to be successful, they need to digital transform while empowering employees, involving stakeholders, set a vision and create the change.
Let us have a look at key benefits for mining industries which invest in digital transformation:

Data Mining

Accurate data and record keeping by hand leads to errors and there is no way to gather or analyse data in this manner with optimum results. In order to make the necessary designs or modifications to plans, the data analysis and information relying needs to be perfect. For example, collecting and communicating data in real time like drill rates, payload weights and spotting times can appear on the operators display.
Real-time data helps operators to make decisions around dispatching, clean-up, maintenance, and more.


Image Reference Source: https://enterpriseiotinsights.com/20181206/channels/news/siemens-wins-digital-deal-with-coal-company

Artificial Intelligence

AI does not need to be applied in the filed alone, it is beneficial to bring about change in the internal processes of an organization as well. However, test cases can be used to predict where mining would have the most benefits and prove most lucrative. Drones, automated vehicles which do not require drives would also make it easier and safer for miners.
Source: https://www.newtrax.com/scaling-up-for-digital-transformation-in-mining/
Safety and Asset Management

Once the data is safely analysed, the performance of mines automatically gets a boost. Safety is automated where technology not only informs companies about dangers, challenges a project might face but also which machines need servicing or are not performing well.
This ensures problems are dealt with before they cause any real harm. Automatic alerts get triggered when equipment’s are malfunctioning, thus ensuring they can get rectified in time without any delays or loss in profits.

Reduce Capital Costs

With risks getting minimized, the entire value chain gets a push with the increase in automation. Employees move away from hazardous work setting, while protecting the environment and enabling control and data monitoring from multiple areas in one or multiple sources.
The use of technology and automation also helps with the day to day decisions, where unwanted situations can be thwarted with the help of algorithms. Assessing, automating and optimizing are a few ways the mining industry can benefit from a digitally enabled integrated portfolio.
Source: https://www.wencomine.com/blog/digital-transformation-in-mining/how-small-to-medium-mines-quarries-and-contractors-drive-improvements-with-data-technology/


Image Reference Source: http://www.asiaminer.com/images/stories/2017/Q4/GE_digital.png

To Conclude

A digital transformation may come across as challenging especially the company is not prepared to make the necessary changes. Hence in order to have a successful transition they need ensure the vision and methodology support the digital architecture.
Mining today is complex where each department has its own systems. Digital transformation makes it possible to deal with all problems and embrace all opportunities from automated platforms. If you would like to discuss this possibility further, you can contact the App Scoop mobile app developers and app development team on: https://app-scoop.com/contact-us.html

Digital Transformation in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry

gitization is the most important change in our constantly changing world. These innovations and technologies have helped change and develop new systems, apps and even devices which help people in business and their personal life.
The wave of digital transformation is now visible all over the world in different industries like healthcare, banking, media and entertainment. However the most effects are seen and felt in the tourism and hospitality industry which seems to have been turned topsy-turvy.

Image reference source: https://travel.jumia.com/blog/importance-innovation-digitisation-growing-tourism-8453

Digital transformation altered the operations and customer relations of the tourism industry. Customers no longer stand in lines and queues to book flight tickets, hotels, or even make dinner reservations. It is all done with a few clicks of the button in a fraction of the time it would normally take.
It is safe to say, the travel industry was one of the first to adopt digital transformation and its positive impact can be seen today. In this new digital environment, consumer expectations are not what they used to be. They are now set very high due to the innovative disruptions like virtual reality, artificial reality, Internet of things, mobile bookings and even online payments.

Digital Transformation Trends in Hospitality and Tourism

Tourism and technology have been going hand in hand for some time now providing many opportunities for innovation. This expanding footprint is not merely to plan holidays on the smartphone but also to make travel more affordable, frictionless and convenient. For example, apps provide different prices, deals and customised packages as per a customer’s budget. The customer reviews aide in finalizing hotels which is beneficial as the reviews are from fellow travellers.
According to the UNWTO, tourism is the world’s 5th fastest growing industry, with one billion international travellers, $1.53 trillion in global revenues and 5% growth globally per year. In 2018, Canada alone made $18.4 billion in revenue.
Source: https://tiac-aitc.ca/advocacy_global.htm
In the next few years, the world of hospitality and tourism will look different than it does today. Let us have a look at the digital trends affecting this industry:

Internet of Things (IoT)

We live in an era where things which were once science fiction are now a part of our daily lives. With the integration of IoT with internal circuits of a room, hotel rooms can be automated for example, heated or cooled when people leave and enter the room.
As more devices get connected to IoT, the tourism and hospitality industry can use the same to give the customer a higher sense of satisfaction. Knowing the customer’s preferences would also be beneficial as it helps the staff be proactive in anticipating guest’s needs.

  • For example, a customer who has been regularly staying at a hotel and using the spa services, can be offered a complimentary or discount deal for the next service. 

Image Reference Source: https://www.bu.edu/bhr/2018/05/31/the-digital-future-of-the-tourism-hospitality-industry/

Mobile Integration

Customers have everything on their phone right from shopping to managing finances and even booking travel. Some brands have apps which make books more frictionless and pleasant. Changes become convenient and the customer also gets updates on the latest deals.
Without a mobile presence, does a booking company even exist? Interestingly, Asia and Middle East are ahead of North America and Europe in mobile bookings. Approximately 28% of bookings are done via the mobile in North America.
Source: https://www.kelltontech.com/kellton-tech-blog/top-3-digital-transformation-trends-hospitality-and-tourism-industry

Data Analysis

Forecasting plays an important role in all fields to help a business plan and strategize. In 2020, data science is sure to play a bigger role to help companies offer clients personalised deals thanks to predictive market analysis.
Data plays a huge part in this new era where customer data is used to determine their preferences and where they make their bookings. For example, instant booking features guarantee a reservation alleviating the customer’s concern and doubt.
Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/danielnewman/2018/01/02/top-6-digital-transformation-trends-in-hospitality-and-tourism/#23bea95467df

Reviews and Ratings

As mentioned previously, customer reviews play a very critical role in converting a potential client. Customers do not make bookings without first reading and checking the ratings from previous customers. Worst case they can prepare for what is coming since the reviews are from the horses’ mouth directly.
This has pushed, and will continue to push, hotels and AirBnB hosts to up their games and provide the best and highest quality of customer service. 


Image Reference Source: https://www.revinate.com/blog/which-review-sites-allow-management-responses/

Artificial Intelligence and Chatbots

Once upon a time, hotels would have binders and pamphlets or brochures at the welcome desk to help customers with queries like:

  • What to do in the area?
  • Where to find particular cuisine?
  • Specific activities?
  • Closest shopping districts?
  • How to get to a certain place?

Today all the information can be provided on AI powered apps and devices. Customers can access the information at any point with their smartphones. Voice activated chatbots help set alarms, open or close curtains and even order breakfast. Simple clerical tasks like reservation changes can be done without using human resources unless it is a delicate situation and a sensitive touch is needed.

Virtual Reality

Virtual reality tours have gained popularity in a big way. Clients can take a look without actually leaving their homes what they are booking and paying for. For example,

  • Hotel room and facility tours
  • Museum tours
  • Tourist destination previews

A person does not get the full experience but they get a preview of what they can expect. This also offers the guests more confidence and peace of mind while making bookings.

Digital Future of Hospitality and Tourism Industry

In this world of digital interactions, travellers today are highly dependent on technology like their mobile applications and digital platforms to make bookings and plan trips. It is imperative for businesses to make digital innovation a part of the solution to help the growth continue in a sustainable manner.
Personalization is the key to success as it shows the customer, they are valued and the company is paying attention to and taking care of their needs. Personalization is expected to play a larger role as enhancing a customers’ experience takes precedence in most upcoming business models.
New trends of travel demand tailor-made offers beyond mass marketing and personalised solutions address these needs. Detailed information on consumers and their behaviour helps companies design such plans and target audiences accordingly, leading to a higher conversion rate.

In Conclusion


Image Reference Source: https://www.mbymontcalm.co.uk/blog/what-exactly-is-changing-in-the-hotel-industry/

Tourism is based on a wide range of products, technologies and services and hence the benefits of the digital revolution play a big role in changing the landscape of the travel industry. For any tourism and hospitality business to be successful, these innovative and efficient technologies are of key importance.
If you have any queries or would like to discuss digitizing your business, you can contact the App Scoop mobile app development team on: https://app-scoop.com/contact-us.html

What Does BlockChain Mean for Digital Transformation?

“We are all now connected by the Internet, like neurons in a giant brain”
–Stephen Hawking

​The world today is more connected than it has ever been before. Technology is advancing at an exponential rate and it is bringing people together like a small global village. Thanks to these technologies, a consumer’s role and demands are shifting in the marketplace. New trends are setting in which influence and sway a customer’s expectations.


Image Reference Source: https://kaula.jp/2017/09/22/applying-blockchain-to-iot/

Every few years, new technology is introduced in the market. Digitally the world is constantly evolving with newer software. For example,

  • Web 2.0/3.0
  • Augmented reality
  • Contextual marketing
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Big Data

In order for companies to remain competitive, organizations must upgrade and evolve their digital transformation drive to focus on the new areas of technology. Blockchain is one such technology which has had an enormous impact on the market. 

What is Blockchain?

“The record-keeping technology behind bitcoin…blockchain is a distributed, decentralized, public ledger.” 
Source: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/blockchain.asp
Blockchain is an encrypted digital ledger, recording transactions chronologically and publically. The recorded data cannot be altered without changing all subsequent blocks and it is readily available for cloud-based solutions and software.
One of the prime benefits of blockchain is the ability to enable secure transactions which also supports today’s flexible mobile payment systems. Security, networking and data preservation play a very significant role in ensuring cybersecurity of information being shared of any contemporary business.
Approximately 94% of companies have increased focus on digital transformation and most admit that digital is central in their business strategy. More than 1/4th of these companies have invested in Blockchain technology as there is going to be a significant growth by the year 2020.
Source: https://www.itproportal.com/features/what-does-blockchain-mean-for-digital-transformation/


Image Reference Source: https://www.business2community.com/b2b-marketing/b2b-digital-transformation-primer-2018-02017353

Blockchain and Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is a complex challenge taken up by an enterprise but the integration of Blockchain and IoT makes the process smoother. The ease with which multitude of electronic parties can securely communicate, collaborate and transact shows greater agility and efficiency.
It is believed that by 2021, prominent value chains, enabled by blockchain will extend their digital platforms and reduce transaction costs by 35%. Robert Parker, VP of IDC Group, believes that this year will see a transition to more consortia-based initiatives and whole value-chains will come together to “take advantage of the immutable records and the distributed ledger capabilities in blockchain.”
Source: https://www.ledgerinsights.com/riskblock-acord-blockchain-standards/
Blockchain transformation may have started with Bitcoin in 2008-2009, but the growth has not stopped since then. Its impact can be seen and felt in all industries. The change being witnessed is transforming the customer experience. Let us have a look at different sectors affected by blockchain:


Companies like Microsoft, Amazon, IBM and SAP are said to have introduced a version of blockchain-as-a-Service to go with other services they are offering.
Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/danielnewman/2017/11/07/5-predictions-on-how-blockchain-will-drive-digital-transformation/#3b5fc379b95c

  • Cloud Storage: Traditional cloud storage used to be vulnerable to security threats and hacks, however blockchain transformation makes it a decentralized system and hence less likely to be exploited.


  • Energy Management: Power is needed to do everything in this world. Unfortunately we have limited resources and methods to fulfil the energy requirements are also low. Blockchain helps change how energy is stored, distributed and produced.


  • Cyber Security: Companies spend a lot of resources to ensure their data is protected and confidential. Since blockchain changes how security is implemented, it changes how data is stored and hence denies hackers one place to hack.


  • Internet of Things: Blockchain’s ledger technology makes things transparent while offering more security and opportunities. Devices communicate with less friction and more information is passed between a trusted network of devices. 

Image Reference Source: https://www.i-scoop.eu/blockchain-distributed-ledger-technology/blockchain-iot/


This industry is not only evolving each year but it is also a lucrative multibillion dollar one. Blockchain makes this industry more accessible to consumers as well as content creators.

  • Advertising: This is a core business model for many companies, which provide services for free. For example, Google and Facebook. Blockchain powered browsers can protect their privacy and turn off advertising.


  • Market Analysis: Evaluating and forecasting is a complex procedure and cannot be done by humans alone. Blockchain market evaluation tools, hold immense amount of data and make it easier and quicker for businesses to make better decisions.


  • Gaming: Decentralized gaming platforms helps independent developers release their games in a previously closed market.


Strict guidelines are enforced which ensure low crime rates and blockchain transformation helps in the following way:

  • Police: Blockchain helps maintain the integrity of the evidence and data collected. It can also be shared with no fear of evidence tampering which adds necessary layer of security.


  • Gun Tracking: Illegal gun sales are a rising concern in many states across the world. Blockchain technology would make it possible to account for and track guns as soon as they leave the factory. Thus reducing illegal gun usage and export.


  • Business Transportation: Blockchain helps easy data coordination using DLT, automates and personalises transport solutions, and even offers secure, cost effective routes to transport sensitive products. Making this technology a boon for logistic and supply chain industries.


  • Automotive: Self-driving cars have already arrived and companies like Volkswagen, Porsche and BMW have their own or are creating their own blockchain apps.

Public Services

Governments are constantly improving how they provide services to the average and everyday people. Blockchain transformation helps them in the following ways:

  • Governance: Transparent voting systems which minimize frauds and protect a citizen’s right to vote along with ensuring low and order is maintained helps governments bring about the much needed change and growth to the people.


  • Healthcare: Sustainable, saleable and secure healthcare is of utmost importance to the people. Blockchain transformation makes it possible for hospitals and medical staff to communicate and share data more effectively and hence provide better treatment.


  • Education: Not only government but private organizations also use the blockchain educational apps. Verifying academic credentials, the transparency and freedom to retrieve or check data also reduces the need for paperwork.

What Next for Blockchain?

New technologies are constantly revolutionizing businesses but digital transformation is not just about technology and trends, it is about the customer’s experience. Businesses need to evolve because the customers’ expectations are evolving.
Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/danielnewman/2017/10/24/blockchain-and-digital-transformation-go-hand-in-hand/#4a0f1b7a46f7
This hacker proof technology is being considered a foundation on which the world economy can base its digital transformation. The promise it holds to push out the middleman from most business processes, ensures it is not going away anytime soon.
If you would like to achieve a blockchain transformation or discuss how potential threats to its growth can be eliminated, contact the App Scoop mobile app developers team on: https://app-scoop.com/contact-us.html.  

Digital Transformation of Supply Chain Industry

Digital transformation is best explained as implementation of new technology to accelerate operations, sales, customer service, back office productivity and business growth. Each organization has its own processes and supply chains. Management of this supply chain has improved, due to advancements in:

  • Logistics
  • Infrastructure
  • Communications
  • IT

Source: https://www.scmr.com/article/preparing_the_supply_chain_for_digital_transformation


Image Reference Source: https://cerasis.com/digital-supply-chain-management/

Digital technology is enabling companies to improve performance at a modest cost. This technology is being integrated into all aspects of business from backend payroll to production management and even security. The appeal of these technologies has led to many companies hastily implementing changes and new projects.
In all honesty, companies would fare better and reap greater benefits if they create a vision and a comprehensive plan prior to undertaking a digital transformation. A long term road map would need to be outlined and accordingly implemented. 

Supply Chain and Digital Transformation

Industry boundaries are blurring and new business models are emerging to help companies succeed in this ever-evolving digitized landscape. Ultimately the strategic goals of a company matter and play a pivotal role in this digitized economy. When creating a roadmap for digital transformation, a company needs to focus on:

  • Competitive strategies
  • Trends influencing the market
  • Customer expectations
  • Company outlook

Businesses which apply these approaches to the supply chain transformation are better equipped to utilize the full value that digital technology can provide.
For the supply chain industry, the vision provides a company the necessary assessment of the business and technical requirements and capabilities. It also recognises that supply-chain transformation focuses on both technology as well as operations, hence effectiveness of the transformation depends on the future vision of the supply chain.
Thanks to digitization consumers can now do more research and educate themselves regarding products or services they desire before even engaging with a company. Hence companies in the supply-chain business need to match up with the agility and digital competence at every stage and level. Let us look at some key technologies which will help the supply chain industry:

Real Time Updates

Supply chain managers have more control in providing the customer with transparency, where they can track shipments and products in real-time. They get automatic notifications in case of delays or even issues which might come up. This also helps build consumer loyalty as it increases customer engagement.
Cloud based shipping and tracking technologies provide real time visibility across the supply chain. These tools help track and consolidate all data while eliminating time and resources spent on shipping, receiving, tracking and compiling order data.
Source: https://www.supplychaindigital.com/technology/supply-chain-management-amidst-rapid-digital-transformation


Image Reference Source: https://www.execon-partners.com/digital-supply-chain-in-the-chemical-and-process-industries/

Data Capturing and Management

Big data analysis helps guide decisions as the data analytics and reports can keep track of sales patterns, identify cross selling opportunities, eliminate the need for guesswork and even resolve potential issues before they escalate. This technology is now simple and user-friendly which means navigation and interpretation of information has never been simpler and clearer.


Automation of processes not only helps eliminate human error but also saves on manpower and skills. Instead of manually updating data or spreadsheets, employees can focus on other more sensitive areas which would help companies maximize profits. Software applications can now update the necessary data in real time.


E-commerce helps sellers sell directly to the end consumer and sometimes this can pose a threat to supply chain intermediaries. However if the companies adapt and find a way to add value in the face of it, they will be able to increase their market reach and client database. 
For example, drone deliveries are gaining popularity and are being used by Amazon Air to ensure customers get their parcels quicker.
All companies in the supply-chain have something to gain from digital transformation provided they are open and willing to adapt. 


Image Reference Source: http://www.retail360asia.com/imd-business-school-launches-new-digital-supply-chain-management-program/

Transforming to a Digital Supply Chain

The transformation into a digital supply chain is a process which yields significant performance improvements. Combining digital capabilities, targeting specialist recruitment, implementation of the changes and creating an agile working environment are crucial for rapid development.
In order to meet the challenges of today’s digital economy, where customers demand quicker and more personalized services, the organizations fundamental business process with the digital supply chain needs the following enablers:

Customer Centricity
Customer engagement and centricity is vital for any business to survive. It must be integrated with digital supply chain capabilities to serve segments of the business. Automation of processes helps achieve this along with real-time updates. Focus needs to remain on customer first.
Forecasting and accurate analysis helps capture the necessary demographic and increase profits. Marketing via social media, mails and texts are easier with the predictive algorithms. These improved processes enable companies better manage collaborations and more effectively handle bulk orders.

Predictive Analysis
Digital technology makes it possible to address issues before they become major concerns. Machines can be serviced and fixed before they break-down. Shipments can be routed through areas with no traffic or threats.
The internet of things sensor data and make it possible for companies to benefit from their analysis. This would only be beneficial if companies integrate and use these technologies as part of their core processes.

Automation, responsiveness and individualization is required to succeed in this digital world. Real-time visibility goes a long way to help mirror the digital side of business. Everything is monitored:

  • Movement of goods
  • Transit
  • Demand signals
  • Relevant data
  • Sale systems

Modern supply chain extends beyond the organization and the need for flexible coordination and collaboration across business networks is important to improve sustainability and streamline transactions.
Source: https://www.digitalistmag.com/digital-supply-networks/2018/04/11/4-supply-chain-strategies-to-drive-digital-transformation-06079557


Image Reference Source: https://www.accenture-insights.be/en-us/articles/digital-supply-chain-how-to-unlock-the-real-value-of-digital-1

In Conclusion

Today, technologies have enabled organizations to transform their existing supply chain capabilities and be more flexible, agile, open and collaborative. They make it possible for companies to transform by employing analytics, artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of things and many more advanced technologies to collect and process the necessary information to aid business development.
A supply chain digital transformation is about establishing a balance with digital applications, services, cost and processes to drive operational excellence. The burst of innovation has given the market technologies which enable companies to enhance their practices and make greater improvements in supply-chain performance.
If you would like to discuss this further you can contact our App Scoop mobile app developers on https://app-scoop.com/contact-us.html.  

Digital Transformation – Next Phase for Education

Evolution and change is a part of daily life. It is essential for survival and for progress. Since the invention of the internet, nearly 30 years ago, there has been rapid and significant development in the digital world. We live in a world where, what was once science fiction is now a part of our daily life. For example;

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Robotics
  • Internet of things
  • Cloud storage
  • Self-driving cars
  • Cyber security

Image Reference Source: https://navemarg.wordpress.com/2018/05/31/banking-only-on-good-education-for-your-childs-future/

Digital transformations have impacted everything from daily life, everyday tasks, social behaviour, business opportunities as well as education. The digital wave has not only changed how people get tasks completed, but their outlook towards the experience and expectations as a consumer have drastically changed as well. 

Importance of Digital Transformation in Education

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” – Benjamin Franklin
As mentioned earlier, innovation is a prerequisite for survival in this digital world. It is no longer viable for any business, educational or otherwise, to sit back and see where this digital train goes. Core systems need to be upgraded and digital transformation needs to be incorporated in the educational sector.
Education today has become more competitive and digital alteration is needed for institutions to survive. However survival in this digital age would also mean the educators need to adapt to and accept the technologies and various changes which come with it.
One fundamental element to keep in mind is that education is not only for the young people. It does not begin and end with school life. Education and learning is a continuous process and continues well into adult life.

Source: https://www.digitalistmag.com/improving-lives/2017/10/05/education-digital-transformation-new-societal-challenge-05404388

The educational sector has seen a lot of technological changes in the past few decades where new systems, new platforms and applications have made their way into the learning process. New technologies are emerging daily and they impact the educational landscape on every level. 


Image Reference Source: https://www.jangbei.com/2018/05/digital-transformation-trends-in-education/

Schools today have technologies which help educators teach better and help students grasp concepts better. For example, digital whiteboards, digital textbooks, mobile learning applications, tablets, etc. These are now regular tools which are used in a classroom as opposed to the traditional methods of teaching.
Students today are digital natives. Their approach to learning is very different from the previous generations. They have a plethora of technology which they are exposed to since birth and this technology is important to help bridge gaps between students and education. It also helps students with special needs to learn, understand and grasp matter in a style most suitable to them.

Technologies used in the Educational Sector
Digital transformation is allowing schools to provide anopulent educational experience that supports deeper understanding and learning to all its students. Let us have a look at a few technologies and how they are impacting the educational sector:

Internet of Things              
Many institutions are adopting IoT to enable anytime, anywhere learning. Devices connected to the internet make it possible for important information to be passed on to the students. For example,

  • School activities
  • Homework reminders
  • Group study locations
  • After-school activities
  • Use of digital whiteboard to pass information to student devices
  • Automatic tracking of assignments
  • Tests being graded and results shared in real time

Personal learning devices can also be connected to a cloud, where it becomes easier for teachers to monitor and analyse which students need help in which area. 


Image Reference Source: https://www.indiatoday.in/education-today/featurephilia/story/augmented-reality-in-educatuion-957959-2017-01-30

Teachers, admin, students as well as parents can benefit from the added security measures in case of emergencies. Facial recognition, weather updates for storms and criminal activity on campus can be identified and necessary actions can be taken as needed. For example, gun violence is a rising threat and having large gates is not as effective as metal detectors to keep students safe.
Potential threats can also be monitored easily with new technology. There will be discrepancies in the type of technology being used in the various institutions, depending on budgets and other factors, however 2019 will see a lot of advancements which will be more universally acceptable.
(Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/danielnewman/2018/11/13/top-5-digital-transformation-trends-in-education-for-2019/#266b1e705d4d)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data
Testing is an important aspect to help educators gage a student’s performance. However, there are many other factors which can be looked into and analysed before a single score can determine a student’s abilities.
This kind of analysis is now possible with Big Data software. An individual teacher would not need to pour over endless reports or tests. Human error will also be negated in such scenarios. Unprecedented capabilities and software applications have been created for the educational industries. For example,

  • E-Learning courses
  • IT tools
  • Chatbots
  • Online tutoring
  • Online enrolment and admissions

These software’s and devices make it possible for the teaching staff to focus on intricate or sensitive matter. Resources can be diverted for tasks which are of higher priority and at the same time automate the admin services being offered to students.

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
AR and VR technology is beneficial as students get to experience and not just hear about or read about a subject. Similar to audio-visual stimulation, AR and VR make it possible for better understanding, knowledge and retention.
Students can take field trips to different countries without actually leaving the classroom. Everything from history to science to astronomy can come to life within the class itself. This not only helps ensure students are engaged but also look forward to the educational experience.
Smart devices significantly enhance learning experiences and academic content becomes more immersive and enjoyable. For example,

  • 3D rendering of a historic relic
  • Walkthrough a museum
  • Studying human DNA
  • Personalised learning modules
  • Adaptive gamification to make learning fun

Source: https://www.innovify.com/blogs/7-edtech-trends-impacting-digital-solutions-for-education-industry


Image Reference Source: https://medium.com/age-of-awareness/intelligent-virtual-reality-to-support-learning-in-authentic-environments-263c14fa4640

Why Go Digital?
In order to drive innovation and survive in a digital-centric world, it is imperative that educational institutions operate with a digital-first mindset. The millennial generation is mobile focused and within the next 5 years, more than 30 million people will use smartphones in Canada alone. Hence it is important to focus on growing digitally as the benefits far outweigh the costs.
Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/467190/forecast-of-smartphone-users-in-canada/

Technology helps promote a feeling of independence, empowers creativity, aides in problem solving and helps teach perseverance. In the job markets today, being digitally sound is as important as being knowledgeable. Students who embrace technology automatically get a leg up and are better equipped to succeed in today’s world.
Educators need to embrace the new technology and devices as they are becoming increasingly valuable for education today. If you would like to discuss how digital transformation is the next phase in the educational sector, you can contact the App Scoop Vancouver mobile app developers team on: https://app-scoop.com/contact-us.html.