What is metaverse, and where are we headed ?

We humans are social animals, we mean, most of us are. And we do yearn for social connections. In literal terms, it means a feeling that we belong and are connected to a group, where a lot of emotions are involved. With technology, all this has been possible, giving us a chance to explore the unheard of. Now, as technology progresses, the phenomenon of social connection will have a new face. Rather it already has. Welcome to Metaverse – the next evolution of social connection. 

Wouldn’t it be just awesome to sit in the comfort of your home and meet up for coffee with your friend who lives on a different continent, walk through quaint lanes of Oslo – while you are working in say Delhi, or just get over your frustration by killing a monster? Well, to do all of this at one time is quite difficult in the real world. But this is what Mark Zuckerberg promises in the metaverse. In this article, we will have a look at the origin of the metaverse, what it means, how does this world functions, the tech support it requires, and much more!

Metaverse - The future of technology

Meta – what? The origin of the metaverse

“Today, I think we look at the internet. But I think in the future you are going to be in the experience” – Mark Zuckerberg

Technologies like Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and others, are helping us be a part of the virtual world experience. But the metaverse is a completely different ball game. So, in essence, the metaverse is an amalgamation of the words ‘meta’ and ‘universe’. Meta, which means beyond, give a whole meaning to the metaverse, that is beyond imagination. In totality, the metaverse is a network of 3D virtual worlds whose focus is on social connection.  
Some might say that the word metaverse only recently existed. But the reality is, it was devised by Neal Stephenson in his 1992 novel Snow Crash. This science-fiction novel is roughly about Hiro, touted as the protagonist, who sells pizza for the mafia, and in his spare time, this nerd loves to sword-fight in the metaverse, something known as the parallel universe. Post that, there are a few other movies and novels that spoke about this technology, but what gave it a moment was the Connect 2021 conference, where Mark dropped the news of the ambitious metaverse project. The metaverse, in short, will give us the power to express ourselves better, explore further social connections, and experience the world with a lot more originality. 

Giving us a clear idea of what metaverse brings to the table, Mark in a founder’s letter said, “In the metaverse, you’ll be able to do almost anything you can imagine — get together with friends and family, work, learn, play, shop and create completely new experiences that don’t really fit how we think about computers or phones today. We made a film that explores how you might use the metaverse one day.” He further added, “The defining quality of the metaverse will be a feeling of presence — like you are right there with another person or in another place. Feeling truly present with another person is the ultimate dream of social technology. That is why we are focused on building this.”

Metaverse: Powered by different applications and technologies

The metaverse development is a bold project which will take some time and a lot of innovative technologies. Known for creating an artificial yet real environment, metaverse uses a combination of technologies like AR, VR, IoT, blockchain, AI, cryptocurrencies, 3D reconstruction, and others. For instance, the application of IoT will make the metaverse smarter. IoT will provide valuable data from the real world, which in the process increases the accuracy of the metaverse. With the use of these technologies, the Meta team is working on displays, audio, mixed reality, eye tracking, haptics, hand tracking, input, sensors, graphics, computer vision, perceptual science, and others.
Metaverse - The future

1. AR and VR

Metaverse is known as the future of AR and VR. And what these technologies will do is provide a gateway to enter the magical yet real world of the metaverse, also known as the embodied internet. What AR will do is provide you with an enhanced and virtual version of the real world. This is achieved through the use of visual elements, sound, and other sensory stimuli delivered through technology. While VR lets you deep-dive into the 3D virtual environment by using 3D computer modelling, each technology has a great role to play. 

Touted as ‘Project Cambria’ by Meta, it is said this venture will surely push the boundaries of the existing technologies. Project Cambria is a high end virtual and augmented reality headset. Meta informed that this will power the avatar to make natural eye contact and reflect your facial emotions in real-time. This device will be realized in the running year, and it comes with better face tracking, color-pass through mixed reality, and a great lens.

2. 3D Reconstruction

This technology is a process through which the true essence and appearance of real objects can be extracted. 3D reconstruction gained weight especially during the pandemic and in the real estate segment, as people refrained from visiting the properties in person. The global 3D reconstruction was valued at $816.6 million in 2020. And studies suggest that is bound to touch a value of $1292.22 million by 2026. The metaverse intends to create a virtual yet real world. The 3D reconstruction technology will act as a catalyst in doing so! 

3. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The application of AI in today’s world is commendable. Come metaverse, and AI will again show its worth. This technology helps in understanding human capabilities – reasoning, communication, planning, understanding, and perception. Combine this with Machine Learning (ML), and it will leverage it to revamp the concept of learning from previous iterations taking a lot of scenarios into consideration. AI will make metaverse more inclusive, it will help make the avatars more life-like; pair it with 3D reconstruction, and it gives us a better picture of our environment. 

In short, with metaverse, AI can act as an agent that augments our experience, helps in better communication and allows the system to be empathetic, whilst providing a better user experience. For instance, Observe.AI is the world’s first Intelligent Workforce Platform that revolutionizes contact centres by using AI to optimize the customer experience, boost agent performance, and surface insights in seconds that lead to a better customer experience. This experience will give metaverse users a rich experience and a sense of living in the real world even while they stay in the comfort of their homes. 

4. Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

Blockchain provides decentralized and transparent solutions for any transactions that will take place in the metaverse. While cryptocurrency will allow the users to buy, purchase, or sell, their work in the virtual world. The key advantages of incorporating these technologies with metaverse will offer transparency, proof of ownership, adequate governance, interoperability, and will safeguard the trust of the users. Studies suggest that cryptocurrency has all the abilities to become the official currency of the metaverse. App-Scoop embraces this growing blockchain trend by developing new digital products that will transform the future generation. 

Where are we headed?

Let’s face it – metaverse will surely be our present and our future too. As we head into our future, social connections will still be on the priority list. These social connections although virtual will surely be immersive. That’s where we are headed – a world beyond imagination.  And the opportunities metaverse will create will certainly revolutionize the world. App-Scoop’s motto is to stay abreast with the latest technologies and provide a seamless world to our customers. To understand this world better, do tag along with us, this journey will surely be amazing. https://www.app-scoop.com/contact-us.html

Top NFT Trends to watch out for in 2022

The idea of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) did raise some eyebrows, but the kind of show it has put up in the year 2021, or before is quite commendable. Let’s talk stats, the NFT trading volume added to almost $11 billion in Q3, per week NFT sales touch millions, OpenSea’s trade is surmounted over 800 per cent, the most expensive NFT was sold for $532 million; these numbers are just the tip of the iceberg, there is a lot that NFT has to offer this year as well. As we usher into 2022, we will surely see NFT growing beyond imagination. As it does, we find the trends that will get leverage in 2022 and beyond.

1. The confluence of metaverse and NFTs

“We believe the metaverse will be the successor to the mobile internet. We’ll be able to feel present – like we’re right there with people no matter how far apart we actually are,” said Mark Zuckerberg when he unveiled metaverse. So, when it comes to metaverse – privacy, legitimacy, and safety, could be the biggest concern, as it allows everyone to exist in the digital world.

Metaverse gives us a chance to connect with people. Using AR, blockchain, and VR, a digital and simulated environment is created giving all a rich experience of the virtual yet real world. Such experience can benefit all to purchase or sell digital assets, art, etc., and safeguard it for lifelong. And when it comes to giving value to digital assets, NFTs can play a big role. There is a hush-hush, that NFTs could probably become the official currency of metaverse. And why not? NFTs provide proof of ownership, tokenizing collectables, security, copyright, and other perks which everyone is looking for.

There are rumours that in 2022, retail giants Walmart has plans to drop their cryptocurrency and NFTs on metaverse. “Walmart is continuously exploring how emerging technologies may shape future shopping experiences,” said a Walmart official. The year 2022 comes with golden opportunities, and this is where the creators should encash on cryptos, NFTs, blockchain, and the metaverse.

2. Ethereum 2.0 might go green

Since the time of its inception, Ethereum has faced the wrath of environmentalists for a creating huge carbon footprint. The kind of energy it consumes for a single transaction is uncanny. As per Statista, it consumes 238.22 kWh of energy per transaction. Moreover, Ethereum’s one transaction has a carbon footprint equivalent to 140,893 Visa credit transactions. That’s seriously harming the environment.

‘Ethereum needs to be greener,’ Ethereum’s website reads loud and clear. It is trying to become greener via staking which is for the Ethereum ecosystem. On those lines, they are taking big steps to cut down the harm they are causing the environment. This shift will happen in phases. The first step is to replace the current Proof of Work model with the Proof of Stake mechanism, termed Ethereum 2.0. This ambitious pilot hopes to make Ethereum 2.0 more scalable, more secure, and more sustainable. “Although staking will be introduced by the Beacon Chain, the Ethereum we use today will run in parallel for some time, before it ‘merges’ with the Eth2 upgrades,” stated their website.

The Beacon Chain, which lays the groundwork for future upgrades, brings staking to Ethereum, and in no time will coordinate with the new system, is up and running. The next phase is termed as ‘the merge’ where Mainnet Ethereum will unite with Beacon Chain’s proof-of-stake system, marking the end of the proof-of-work approach. This is estimated to happen sometime in 2022, and reports claim that this upgrade promises to cut down the network’s energy consumption by almost 99 per cent. The last phase will happen in 2023, and the phase is known as Shard Chains. This will improve Ethereum’s scalability and capacity. This will also keep the hardware requirements low. All said and done, only 2022 will tell us if Ethereum 2.0 will go green or not!

3. Non Fungible Fundraising

 The concept of NFT, its artists, buyers, sellers, and others are not just working for applause, they sure are working for a cause as well. Last month, embroidery artists – Katerina Marchenko, Aline Brant and Ninni Luhtasaari showcased the softer side of the NFT industry. They will soon be auctioning their NFT art piece for a social cause. The proceeds from the auction will be handed over to a charity organization Hope for the Future (HFTF). While applauding the work of the artists, and talking highly of NFTs, Andera Staundenherz, founder of HFTF said, “It’s incredible that these renowned embroidery artists, at different sides of the world, can now support our charity’s work via Orica. We see ourselves as an anchor of hope for the survivors of human trafficking. These NFTs are giving us the hope that we could fund five days a week of training in 2022. Our current budget only stretches to four.” 

Not just that, there are big names involved in this who are sharing the auctioned money as charity. Last year, Beeple, a digital artist donated $6 million to the Open Earth Foundation, by auctioning one of the arts called ‘Ocean Front’. Around August 2021, Ellen DeGeneres, an American comedian, television host, actress, writer, and producer, raised $33,495 only to donate the proceedings to a food-relief organization World Central Kitchen. There is countless amount of money that NFT has to offer. This kind of money will change the lives of the ones who are in need. Sure, this concept is only at an early stage. But the year 2022 will surely come in as a ray of new hope for many.

4. Let the games begin!

 “Give it 10 years and you won’t find a single game not being built on the blockchain,” states Kieran Warwick Co-founder, Illuvium, in a survey conducted by the Blockchain Game Alliance (BGA) 2021. NFT Gaming sure is a rage these days. With that said, Axie Infinity, Gods Unchained, The Sandbox, Sorare, etc., do these names ring any bells? Well, these NFT games were the highest-grossing games in the year 2021. Just to assert the stats, Axie Infinity became the first game to cross $1 billion in NFT sales, and currently, it grosses over $4 billion. These play-and-earn mobile games were able to keep millions of gamers on their toes. Seeing this trend, this segment of NFT attracted several investors last year. Around December 2021, as per a report published by BGA, the NFT gaming segment generated $2.32Bn in the third quarter.

Although it might seem that NFT gaming is at an early stage, it has managed to attract several investors, who are ready to put in billions more in this vertical. The year 2022, will provide a stage for several other NFT games that will give the gamers a sense of freedom and a chance to explore other grounds of this vertical. In-game items, cryptocurrency tokens, and a few other aspects are here to be explored. And not to forget, metaverse and NFT go hand in hand. In 2022, game developers should incorporate metaverse and parallelly add in NFT as tokens. Studies suggest tokenization will take NFT gaming to a different level. And just so you know, the play-to-earn games will certainly rock your world in 2022.

Image Credit: Florian Olivo/Unsplash

5. Personifying Music

This digital platform has revisualized the way the music industry functions. Tokenizing this art has provided a sigh of relief for musicians and further proves that this platform is authentic. Although NFTs are yet to seep into the music industry completely, several musicians have earned millions just by putting their work on this platform. Talking highly of this platform, Linkin Park’s Mike Shinoda recently tweeted, “Even if I upload the full version of the contained song to DSPs worldwide (which I can still do), I would never get even close to $10k, after fees by DSPs, label, marketing, etc.” He raised about $11,000 for his first NFT. In December 2021, Shinoda instantly sold off 5,000 NFT of his Ziggurats musical collection, further giving us hope that 2022 will be nothing but melodic, courtesy of NFTs. In 2022, this space will give musicians a better chance to build a community with their fans or listeners, it will give them more power to create music that is unheard of, and could make crypto adoption easy. Platforms like The Catalog, Stationhead, AirNFTs, and others will co-exist where creating, selling, and listening to music will be smoother than jazz.

What 2022 beholds for NFT?

The rise and rise of NFTs have proved its worth time and again. NFTs with utility, music, art, real estate, official contracts, collectables, etc., is proof of legitimacy. When the problem of security and faith is solved, any concept will have a bright future. That means the concept of NFT is here to stay for eternity. The year 2022, will see the new face of NFTs. With Ethereum planning to go green, play-and-earn concept gaining traction, NFTs for good showcasing its softer side, exploring the new world of meta, giving a new dimension to fashion and music; NFTs are here to welcome 2022 with open arms. To know more about NFTs and how they can help your organization, kindly contact: https://www.app-scoop.com/contact-us.html

7 Mobile App Trends to watch out for in 2022

Elements such as the internet, smartphones, and tablets have given improbable leverage to mobile application development. The Apple Store has over 1.96 million apps open for download, while the Google Play Store boasts more than 2.87 million applications. With that, the mobile development market is expected to reach over $935 billion by 2023. All these number games, prove that the application development industry has proved its worth. It is given that mobile applications won’t succeed if they are not installed, and for them to be downloaded, they need to have the fire in their belly to keep their users engrossed. In this article, we have penned down the top seven mobile applications that will trend in 2022. 
1. 5g

This, of course, is the most common app trend and the most talked about as well. Why not, right? Look at what all it offers – and it is here to change the world, to say the least. This technology will surely play a leading role in transforming the mobile application development scene. Reports suggest that this technology will co-exist with 4g until it covers a mammoth area. And despite 5g is still gaining traction, it will surely gain popularity in 2022. 

2. Beacon Technology

A small radio transmitter that can change the way users interact with the application – is the worth of beacon technology. In 2013, Apple introduced iBeacon – a type of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to connect with their users better. This service broadcast their identifier to nearby portable electronic devices. Their purpose was to target marketing and retail apps. Now that eCommerce is booming more than ever, this technology will surely take it to new heights of success. Giving a true essence of the customer behaviour, beacon technology in the coming year, will once again lend a helping hand to the developers to create mesmerizing applications.

3. Wearable App Integration

Wearables are an extension of a smartphone which usually has a small screen and can be worn around your wrist, ankle, etc. It has been in trend for the past decade, and by the end of 2022, connected wearable devices will reach over 929 million. Some of the common examples of wearables are smartwatches, fitness trackers like FitBit, Google Glass, and others. They simply enhance your experience giving you a personified extension of what you are always looking for. Incorporating wearables will give the developers an upper hand to understand the users better. 

The wearables industry is getting traction per second. A while back, Samsung Galaxy revealed its Galaxy Watch 4 while Apple launched the Apple Watch 7. The Galaxy Watch 4 is touted as an impressive update by the gadget pundits, thanks to its long-lasting battery life and other features. Meanwhile, the Apple Watch 7 comes with better-equipped fitness features than its earlier model. Its Apple Fitness+ feature provides clear fitness workouts to keep you upbeat. These are just a handle of instances that integrate wearable apps. As more and more people are moving towards staying fit and agile, wearable app integration will become a way of life. 

4. Low-code App development

It’s a written fact that time and money are precious for any given business. Low-code app development builds software that reduces the time of fruition by decreasing the need to write the code. Such codes are no-fuss, straightforward, cost-effective, low-maintenance, and much more. This further acts as a catalyst for business development.

Creating without limits – Wix, an Israeli software company launched, an application that enables users to develop apps without writing code. And to bust the myth, low-code or no-code is not a threat to the developers. Developers do have a lot on their plate. This system rather makes their jobs hassle-free and more valuable. So, this new year, get ready to embrace the new side of low-code app development.

5. Advanced Technology
Remember, Pokemon Go? An Augmented Reality (AR) game that took the world by storm a few years ago. People were legit on the streets to capture the Pokemon. Further shows us how AR can give a top-notch user experience while playing a game. On the same lines, be it VR, AI, ML, or blockchain these advanced technologies have certainly given the mobile application a dimension that is way beyond imagination.
This scenario might sound like something out of the dream. A few years ago, American Express, gave tennis fans a chance to enjoy a game with their favourite player virtually. Touted as ‘You vs Sharapova’, this VR-based game allowed the fans to go head-to-head with tennis sensation Maria Sharapova. This enhanced the user experience by incorporating the computer-generated image of the player.

Coming to the blockchain element, the way it has seeped into various industries is unimaginable. And the mobile application development arena is no different. Currently, there are over 81 million blockchain wallets, and a report by net solutions suggests, people are drawn towards mobile wallets as the preferred blockchain wallet owing to what this technology offers. This year, these technologies, without any doubt, will inspire developers to incorporate them and help us attain an efficient world that is ‘beyond the future’.

6. Mobile Learning Apps

It is a competitive world, and we always need to be on our toes. Sure, we are surrounded by laptops, but 95 per cent of the time, our smartphones accompany us. There are times when we might forget our house keys, but our smartphones – never! To keep up with the rat race in this fast-paced world, it is essential to learn, unlearn, and relearn. 

Let’s talk examples. LinkedIn is by far one of the most professional applications that allow mobile learning on the go. Used mostly for corporates for their career growth or by students who wish to add weightage to their resume, LinkedIn mobile learning permits participants to stay up to date, join discussions to increase their expertise, and grow their industry experience. 

As smartphones have brought the world to our feet, it has made learning on the go easy-peasy. Mobile learning provides users with an ocean of opportunities to broaden their horizons. In 2019, the mobile learning market was valued at $27.32 billion, and it is expected to grow up to $280.08 billion by 2027. With so much in the offering, the developers ought to encash on building more such apps to create a win-win situation.

7. Touchless UI

‘Hey, Siri! What’s the temperature today?’ or ‘Alexa, please add ‘Spinach’ to my grocery list’. These voice commands are just the beginning. A smartphone is something that should be accessible and usable for all. Specially-able people or elderly aren’t at ease while using mobiles at times. Developers are plotting a plan to come up with voice-driven interfaces or gesture-based interfaces to serve. Thinking out of the box, this touchless UI content will surely pave its way to stardom in 2022.  


Mobile applications have become an inseparable part of our lives. It helps a product reach many, thrusts a business to success, and connects people. There are millions of apps in the store, and your app should have the potential to shine amongst all. These surely are our top 7 mobile applications trends, but our diligent team are working on more such trends, which will surely pump up your business. Wondering how? Reach us, to know more: https://www.app-scoop.com/contact-us.html

6 Common Mistakes to avoid when buying Cryptocurrency

Let’s talk stats. From just 66 digital coins in 2013 to currently over 7,557, cryptocurrency has surely come a long way. The rise of cryptocurrencies have given an upthrust to the wealth of several people. Released in 2009, Bitcoin – a decentralized digital currency, has a market value of over $1.03 trillion. Considering all these numbers, it is right to say that cryptocurrency has surely become a household name. Almost 79 percent of cryptocurrency owners in UK have invested in Bitcoin. And studies suggest, with over 10.07 crore, India has the highest number of crypto owners in the world. All these numbers exude the importance of cryptocurrency and goes on to prove that it is here to stay for long. All said and done, we also need to take note that understanding cryptocurrency is like learning a new language. What seems to be utterly difficult in the beginning, with experience it becomes a piece of cake. As a greater number of investors are setting foot in this water, they should make sure that they don’t commit the following mistakes. If they sail past these mistakes, they will surely deep dive into an ocean of wealth. 
1. Investing/ Trading without knowledge

Research, research, and some more research. This is one of the rookie mistakes budding investors commit – diving into the world of cryptocurrency without any knowledge. Cryptocurrency, might we say, is probably vast than an ocean. Understanding the nitty-gritty and the foundation on which this industry is built takes time, and ample experience. While many have made a fortune dealing in crypto, in early 2021, when the prices of Ether and Bitcoin dropped, this market lost around 17 per cent, which is around $150 billion. Hence, it is safe to safe that the nature of cryptocurrencies is highly volatile. Conducting thorough research, seeking pundits’ advice, and following your investor’s guts plays a great role. There is a plethora of material available online. Spend enough time to gather all the crypto trading skills.  
People often trade with little or no knowledge of this industry. And this costs them dearly. Cryptocurrencies are surely booming courtesy of Initial Coin Offering (ICO). And due to the hype, it is often seen that fresh investors enter into this treading water with an intent to make the most of the ICO. Unknowingly, the investor gets caught in the trap of fraudulent ICOs. Have a clear plan before setting your foot in ICOs. In the end, mistakes are inevitable but learning nothing from the mistakes is a crime. Cryptocurrency runs on the ‘high risk – high reward mechanism’. All we can say is commit your mistakes with the intent of learning.

2. Not thinking straight

Usually, novice investors are of the notion that trading will make them an overnight millionaire. Well, to burst their bubble, that’s not how it works. Investing is not a 100m race, it’s a marathon. Invest in the right coin, be patient, learn from your mistake, and that’s how trading can change your life. 

3. Falling for crypto scams

Investing in wrong coins, trading on imposter websites, phishing scams, falling for scam emails, and following the wrong social media accounts are some of the deceptions that investors can fall for. According to a study by Chainalysis, over $ 7.7 bn worth of cryptocurrencies has been stolen from the investors worldwide. Their report further states, rug pull that is mostly associated with Decentralized Finance (DeFi) projects, have emerged to be a go-to scam. This scam amounted to 37 per cent (around $ 2.8 billion) in 2021, as opposed to just 1 per cent in 2020.
In another scam, Finico, a Russian Ponzi scheme, looted millions, while touting itself as an ‘automated profit-generation scheme’. Money could be invested in Finico using Bitcoin or by purchasing Tether (in-house currency) in three options. It was said, that Finico was led by a popular Instagramer Kirill Doronin. This Ponzi scheme lasted from December 2019 to July 2021. This brings us to the point that one shouldn’t invest before doing proper research.

4. Putting all eggs in one basket 

Diversification is an established tenet of conservative investment. The world of crypto goes through several ups and downs, and one of the things that save the investor during such unprecedented time is diversification. Studies suggest that a 50 per cent drop in the price of Bitcoin is normal. And when the market plunges down, proper research followed by plan should be made before selling the coins. Diversification to an extent helps in risk management. Putting your money in just one coin is not a great move. Spreading your hard-earned money in different cryptocurrencies increases the chance of good returns.

5. Failing to pay taxes

Whether you earn the money through your salary or by mining cryptocurrency, it counts as a taxable income. People often surpass this process and avoid paying the required tax. Around August 2021, the founder of Crypto ICO, Bruce Bise, and Samuel Mendez plead guilty to tax evasion after raising $24 million from investors, the press release said. Such tax frauds have become quite common and should be avoided. If a person holds cryptocurrency for less than three years, as per the income tax slab, they ought to pay short term capital gain. Likewise, the profit after selling the crypto post three years is chargeable too. It is advisable to take a note and declare this money in the income tax returns.

Read more: https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndtx/pr/founders-crypto-ico-plead-guilty-tax-evasion-after-raising-24-million-investors

6. Buying high, selling low

Another common mistake perpetrated by new time investors is that they buy the crypto while it is gaining momentum. But as the rate starts coming down, they panic and commit the mistake of selling it. This industry is highly unpredictable, and investors should learn to take a hit as well. Overcoming the ‘FOMO’ (Fear of Missing Out) will lead them far in this game.

To sum up, it is always a smart move to invest in the right crypto at the right time. Also, spreading out your savings by investing in the different coins can surely help you multiply your wealth. As we mentioned, the cryptocurrency industry is quite unstable and fickle. The only thing that will lay the right path is gathering as much technical know-how as possible. Research till the time you are ready to invest. Always remember high risks rewards with high returns, be patient, your time will come too. With that, to have a secure future wealth after earning profits, don’t forget to pay taxes on the same. If you still have any further queries or looking to start investing in NFTs/cryptocurrencies, our App Scoop team is here to answer your questions. Contact: https://www.app-scoop.com/contact-us.html


Top 10 Mobile App UX/UI Design Trends in 2022

Looks, Looks, and Looks… When it comes to smartphones, the mobile’s UX/UI is the first element that makes an everlasting impression. That means the look and feel of a smartphone should be beyond the user’s imagination. Too much pressure, isn’t it? Like fashion trends, UX/UI mobile design trends have become the talk of the town. But as the world constantly changes, these trends also continuously evolve. Be the trends such as DIY tooling or minimalization or using creative geometric structures or providing trendy icon packs, UI/UX elements should do their best to engage the users. In this blog, we present to you the top 10 UX/UI trends that will touch the user’s heart and create a place in their lives. 
1. Dark themes

Trends will come and go, but the dark theme is something that will never cease to amaze the users. Over the past few years, this UI trend has become widely popular. The reason why it is so famous and still will continue to trend is simple. Dark themes are elegant, save energy, reduce the strain on the eyes, and they come with a few more perks.
Image Source: https://in.pinterest.com/pin/28991991341820489/

2. Glassmorphism

A crystalline glass frosting like effect, light border, and pastel or vivid color – sounds dreamy, right? This UI trend has in no time become a household name owing to the posh looks. One of the shining highlights of Glassmorphism is, it improves the user experience and keeps the audience involved because of its luminous yet minimalistic appearance. With that, it also provides a dynamic design language. This trend was first brought to life when Apple used the Glassmorphism design in iOS7. It was later used by the software giant – Microsoft. Soon after that Glassmorphism started gaining popularity. By the end of 2020, Apple again incorporated this design in its latest update for macOS Big Sur. Since then, there was no looking back. The main elements of this design are – subtle yet vivid backgrounds, gradients, 3D design, light border, and others. Do keep an eye on this trend, as it is here to stay for long. 
Image Source: https://www.behance.net/gallery/101451741/Neumorphic-Clock-Application

3. Augmented Reality/ Virtual Reality 

It is no shame to accept that smartphones have become an inevitable part of our life. And in all fairness, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality designs are touted as the elements that have taken the mobile application UX/UI design to the next level. It is speculated that this industry’s market value might exceed over $50 bn by 2024. This gives the UX/UI designers all the more reasons to incorporate AR/VR elements in reality. VR and AR can convert dreams into reality. Now imagine the kind of offing it has for the UX/UI mobile designs.

4. Data security and privacy

Researchers estimate that there are currently more than 5.07 bn smartphone users. With that, owing to the pandemic and current lifestyle, people prefer working from home and most of the time via their mobiles. There are several confidential details shared through mobiles as well. When we see scams and frauds increase day by day, utmost importance and attention should be given to providing security and privacy to smartphone users.

5. Inclusive design

A study conducted by The World Report on Disability says over 15 per cent of the world’s population has special needs. There should be adequate global awareness of disability-inclusive. UI/UX designs should be created keeping in mind every disability. Tools like text enlargement, voice-over tools, content personalization, and others can play a great role in spreading the essence of accessibility and inclusiveness. Technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can surely lend a helping hand to do so. 

6. 3D Animation

It’s rightly said that animation isn’t the illusion of life, it is life. The importance that animation holds in a UI design is beyond explanation. To bring something to life itself is the greatest thing on earth, and to do that to withhold the user’s attention is a big task. 3D animation has been successful enough to woo customers and this is precisely why it is widely used by UX/UI designers. This element helps in making the UI interactive, gives something to look forward to during the wait time, brings the product to life, and makes the whole experience a lot intuitive. Animations cannot be lengthy or else it makes the experience a lot laggard. It should last somewhere between 100-500 milliseconds. The most preferred time by the designers is around 300 milliseconds. 

7. Typography

Not many know the kind of impact good typography has on the user. Several elements play a big role in making the user experience and interface extraordinary, and typography is one thing that can make or break your product’s image. It surely forms an instant connection, helps the user read and understand better, and most importantly makes the user feel good and sets a good tone for your product. The fonts should be big, bold, simple yet elegant, and responsive. This is one element that the designers should definitely focus on for years to come.

8. Neumorphism design

The name is catchy, the design is spell-bounding, and although new, the Neumorphism design is certainly creating waves in this industry. The shadows and textures that it brings in a design are what makes it so popular amongst UI designers. This design draws inspiration from both skeuomorphism and flat design. The palates it uses is subtle and a mix of monochromatic colors, which gives the product a subtle yet sophisticated finish. It started gaining traction in 2019, and in the coming year, this UI element will surely paint the city red with its features.  
Image source: https://dribbble.com/shots/10538859-Freebie-Neumorphic-Skeuomorphic-Light-elements-Figma

9. Complex Gradient 

For most of the years 2020 and 2021, gradient design with its vibrant and creative backgrounds made its way to people’s hearts. Its appearance is quite soothing and instantly grabs the users attention. This UI element can uplift the user’s mood in no time. Bold and pastel colors work charming well and cater to a large audience.

10. Enhanced personalization

In today’s world, personalization and customization have become the key to success. It aids in adding a personal touch and humanizing the total experience. Studies suggest that 75 per cent of business leaders feel that personalization helps create a bigger experience for the users. Technologies like AI and ML will surely take this element to the next level.

Sure there are several trends that the developers have to keep an eye on, however, the most important fact is the developer needs to stay abreast with the latest development in this industry. After all, we are here to serve the customers, and we should provide them with nothing but the best. At App Scoop, we are always up to date with the latest trends and our charismatic developers make use of all the crucial UX/UI to make the user’s experience worthwhile. To know more, contact: https://www.app-scoop.com/contact-us.html


Best Hybrid App Frameworks of 2021

What according to you is an organization’s ultimate goal? In all fairness, we reckon the organization hopes to grow and bounds, touch the lives of millions and make a wholesome living out of its products. When we come to the technical aspect of it, going with today’s trend, the organization wishes to develop the best cross-platform app for their business, and with that, they envision incorporating a stable functional application to the marketplace. It goes without saying that the number of mobile users is increasing per second. This gives the company more mileage to reach to them. Currently, hybrid mobile app development has taken the driver’s seat because of what it brings to the table. Finding the best framework not only makes the developer’s life easy but when used in the right way it also aids in amplifying the company’s growth. In this article, we provide you with the best Hybrid Mobile App Development Frameworks that will add value to your business.
1. React Native

​Released by Facebook in 2015, React Native is one of the best hybrid application development frameworks. It combines the finest parts of native development of React and JavaScript libraries, making it a seamless cross-platform framework. Its native components like View, Text, and Images, comes in handy for the developers. And these components are mapped directly to the platform’s native UI building blocks. Some of the plus points of this framework are that it easily addresses the bug issues, it reuses code, compared to other frameworks it takes less time to develop the process. On the other hand, React isn’t advised to use while building apps with multiple screens. The cost of React Native app development can range from $25,000 to $2,50,000.
2. Ionic

​Founded in 2012 by developer and designer duo, Max Lynch and Ben Sperry, Ionic is an open-source mobile toolkit, that runs best when paired with AngularJS. Ionic comes with one codebase and is used for building cross-platform apps for any device. Incorporating Ionic will result in up to 60FPS scrolling on mobile and desktop, interactive goes down by 1.8 seconds, up to twice as faster as previous versions, and consistent 100 per cent Lighthouse PWA performance score. Its UI components are simple and declarative – and are written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. With a plethora of options available, one can choose from its rich library of over 120 native device plugins for accessing Camera, Geolocation, Bluetooth, and more, or dive into the full native SDK when you need it. Today, more than 5 million developers in over 200 countries around the world are using Ionic to power their app development.
3. Xamarin 

Owned by Microsoft Corporation, Xamarin is touted as one of the smartest frameworks. It is an open-source framework and is used to develop hybrid apps for Andriod, iOS, and Windows. It builds the app using C# from backend code. As it also incorporates .NET, users can get their hands on a vast library and an endless ecosystem of features. To add to that, it enables users to author to curate their libraries on .NET. More than 1.4 million developers trust this framework. One of the striking drawbacks of Xamarin is that it is quite expensive compared to other frameworks. As per reports, Xamarin’s pricing comes in three variants: Business: $999/year (all the perks of Indie plus), Enterprise: $1899/year (all the perks of Business plus), and Indie $25/year.
4. Flutter

Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit that is free and open-source. It comes with a single codebase and can build amazing, native, multi-platform applications. As per AppBrain, the total number of apps designed using Flutter is over 18,000 and with over 8 billion downloads, this mobile app SDK gives developers leverage to create top-notch and beautiful UIs with flexible designs. Staying abreast with the latest trends, Flutter has upped its game, and that relates their services for building 2D mobile apps. To deploy basic features of Flutter, the company has to bear somewhere between $26,000 to $34,800. And as per Cleveroad, Flutter enables the developers to use its full features from $41,500 to $55,000.

5. Quasar

Launched in 2016, Quasar is an MIT licensed open-source Javascript framework built on Vue.js. It has increasingly gained fame because of its features and most importantly because it enables developers to create small yet amazing apps that require less coding and negligible dependence on third-party tools. Quasar’s motto is: write code once and simultaneously deploy it and comes with a tagline – beyond the framework. There are two pricing editions available for Quasar. The Community edition is free of charge and limits the capacity per node, could be developed anywhere, and comes with a few other perks. The Enterprise edition’s price will be provided by the company as per request. As per reports, its pricing starts at $1000 per feature. 


  • Extensive collection of components.
  • Helpful community.
  • Excellent documentation.
  • Great performance.
  • Follows best industry practices.

In this article, we have provided you with an analysis of the best frameworks that can be used for hybrid mobile application development. These frameworks will not only suit your business needs but will also take your product to the next level. App-Scoop understands that deciding on choosing the top-notch framework for your system can be tricky and time consuming. Still, wondering as to which framework to use? Our diligent team will make this process easy for you. To know more, contact: https://www.app-scoop.com/contact-us.html


Top 7 Backend Technologies for Web Development Application

‘Hey, so, your product seems interesting. Send me your website link, so that I can find out more about your product.’ The first statement sure puts a smile on your face. But, in case, if you live under a rock to not have a website, the second statement will indeed make you cry. In today’s world, a website has reached a pinnacle of importance. Regardless of your industry or product, these days, a user connects more with the website as it provides all the information under one roof. As per Hook Agency, with a global population of 7.8 billion, the number of active websites is 1.5 billion. This speaks volumes of web development. 
Now, the web page’s frontend is visible to the user, and it provides a platform for them to converse with the brand. A server connects the frontend with the backend. On the other hand, the backend code communicates with the server to provide the necessary data to the users. A lot depends on the functioning of the backend, the importance of which is growing day by day. In this blog, we talk about top 7 backend technologies that will help the business grow leaps and bounds. 

7 finest Backend Technologies at your disposal

Managing a website is a herculean task. And what happens behind the curtains often goes unnoticed. A strong backend offers leverage which when encashed on, the frontend runs seamlessly. Let’s get to know more about these backend technologies.

1. JavaScript

Over the past 25 years, JavaScript has significantly risen to the epitome of fame owing to its features. This programming language conforms to the ECMAScript specification. In 2009, Ryan Dahl, a famous engineer, took this language to the next level by taking the open-source JavaScript engine and embedding it in a C++ program – and that’s how Node.js came into existence. Owing to this feature, developers can use JavaScript to build backend for web and mobile applications. Today over 13 million developers use this programming language. 

2. Python

Python is an interpreted high-level general-purpose programming language. One of the fastest-growing and famous programming languages, Python helps you integrate your system efficiently and works at a faster rate. As per their official website, Python is developed under an OSI-approved open-source license, making it freely usable and distributable, even for commercial use. This language is pretty versatile, which is why it is used by people from all walks of the industry. Python is embraced by software engineers, data analysts, accountants, mathematicians, network engineers, kids, and others.

3. PHP

PHP is a general-purpose scripting language that performs better when used with MySQL and Linux Apache. It was originally developed by Rasmus Lerdorf, a Danish-Canadian programmer, however, the PHP reference implementation is now produced by The PHP Group. As per W3 Techs, 78.2 per cent of websites use PHP as their server-side technology, which means 8 out 10 websites used this language.

4. Java

Java is a high-level, class-based, object-oriented programming language. Its syntax can be easily compared to that of C and C++. Java is popularly used in GUI, web, console, embedded systems, and mobile applications. It is also a free-to-use programming language and owing to its versatility, it can be distributed over multiple platforms.
5. Kotlin

Kotlin is a general-purpose programming language. This free, open-source, and statically-typed programming language completely interoperates with Java. It is popularly used for server-side, client-side web, and Android. They have recently released their latest version, that is, 1.6.0, published on November 16, 2021. Over the years, it has become one of the famous programming languages. 

6. C++

C++ is a general-purpose programming language. Some find it difficult to learn this language, but its charismatic features put the programmers on a driver’s seat to explore the endless opportunities and control over system resources and memory. It can be used to develop browsers, databases, word processing, CUI, spreadsheets, games, operating systems, and others. It is also used to create high-performance applications. Once you understand this language, there is no stopping you.

7. Ruby

It is a dynamic and open-source programming language. Ruby’s creator developed this language by blending parts of his favorite languages – Perl, Smalltalk, Eiffel, Ada, and Lisp. Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto, Ruby’s creator, said, “I am trying to make Ruby natural, not simple – in a way that mirrors my life. Ruby is simple in appearance, but is very complex inside, just like our human body.” This one-of-its-kind programming language operates on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) principle.


When you have an array of options to choose from, it becomes impossible to pick the right backend web development technology. The perks of selecting the right technology will surely amplify your business, on the other hand, you will have to face the wrath of a sloppy website, in case, you pick the wrong technology for web development.
At App-Scoop, we value our customers, and at the same time, we are abreast to the latest technology that can help your business. Still, wondering which backend technology to pick for your web development? Kindly contact App-Scoop’s diligent team to know more. 


Top 10 Mobile Application Testing Tools in 2021

“If you don’t like testing your product, most likely your customers won’t like to test it either.” -Anonymous

Before we begin to understand this saying, here are some hard-hitting facts. As per Statista, by 2025, the number of mobile users is predicted to reach 7.49 billion. This growing love for mobile has given the developers a chance to showcase their talent and develop unimaginable apps. It is said that by 2022, the number of mobile applications downloads will rise to 258 billion. The greater number of users means the greater number of feedbacks. And when these feedbacks are utilised positively, it is going to benefit the product in the longer run. It goes without saying, when the application performs well, the number of downloads and loyal customers will hit the sky. While more than half of the downloaded apps are unused, 71 per cent of apps are uninstalled because they crash often. Getting witnessed when your app gets downloaded is a quarter of the battle won. The game begins once the user starts using the app. In order to touch the hearts of the users, the apps that you develop must be flawless. If you don’t test your apps, it is impossible to reach the goal to provide the best user experience. Thus, the above saying enunciates the importance of mobile application testing. 

What is Mobile Application Testing?
Mobile application testing is a process through which the designed applications are tested for their performance, usability, functionality, compatibility, and other characteristics.

What are Mobile Testing Tools?
They are software tools that tests mobile applications. There are varied types of mobile testing tools – mobile performance testing tools, cloud-based, mobile phone emulators, app distribution tools, crash reporting tools, automated UI testers, A/B testing tools, and others. It enables developers to build applications that are multi-functional and accessible across various platforms.

Advantages of Mobile Application Testing

This process is essential to safeguard the organization’s reputation, spread the essence of the brand and product, earn brownie points, increase profit, etc., the benefits are endless. Businesses should leverage mobile application testing for various reasons. Incorporating it determines the applications to perform under various obstacles. This further adds value to the brand. When the brand is looking for loyal customers, they should focus on testing the usability as it provides a better user experience. It helps in catching the bugs at an early stage which reduces the total cost of the product. Crashing apps provokes the users to uninstall them. This process minimizes the risk of broken applications.

Top 10 Mobile Application Testing Tools 
When there is a plethora of options available, picking the right tool becomes a task. However, when the software takes care of the application’s functionality, performance, memory, interruption, installation, and stability, it becomes a piece of cake to pick the best tool. Here are our top picks:

1. TestComplete
It is an automated UI testing tool that offers users to run numerous tests over the application platform. This tool supports both Android and iOS app testing. The test scripts are available over seven different languages JavaScript, Python, VBScript, Jscript, DelphiScript, C#, and C+.
With native support for Behavioural Driven Development (BDD), TestComplete goes well when used with Artificial Intelligence (AI). 

  • TestComplete offers a free 30-day trial.
  • Its popular pricing module is the TestComplete Pro package that starts at $9,479. It includes desktop, mobile, and web testing. It also offers access to their parallel testing engine – TestExecute.
  • TestComplete Base is one of the other packages that it provides which starts at $6,095.

2. Robotium
An easy to use tool, Robotium, which is an open-source test framework, requires minimal knowledge to access it. Used for both native and hybrid applications, it carries the test execution fast and smooth. With Robotium, developers can accept test scenarios, scan multiple android activities, write functions and systems. It is an automatic grey box testing case for Android applications.

3. Appium
It is an open-source tool for automating native, mobile web, and hybrid applications. The script is compatible with languages such as Java, PHP, Python, Ruby, C#, Clojure, Objective-C, JavaScript (Node), or Perl with the Selenium WebDriver API and language-specific client libraries. As per GitHub, by using the WebDriver models, one can smoothly switch between native app automation and WebView automation.

  • As per 360 Quadrants, Appium is available free of cost for up to two users for the developer’s community.
  • Its Professional Plan which can be used on one machine for up to five users is charged at  $100/month.
  • Appium’s Enterprise Plan is $300/month, where an unlimited number of users can use it.

4. Test IO
It allows mobile testing in the real world, with professional testers on real devices. The reviews suggest that it makes the software teams faster and flexible. And the reviews on G2 say that Test IO enables fast-moving software development teams with a platform for on-demand QA testing throughout the entire development cycle. It tracks bugs and integrates with the project management seamlessly. Test IO offers three packages – Starter, Professional, and Elite. The package price differs with added new features and benefits. Test IO shares prices on demand.

5. Katalon Studio
A fairly new tool, Katalon Studio has become famous amongst the masses in no time. It is a well-rounded automated solution that requires no additional extensions to run the tests. It is integrated with CI/DevOps workflow and other tools. Trusted by 100,000 companies, it offers a codeless experience for beginners and infinite testing extension for experts. There are three available packages. Users can save up to eight per cent if they opt for an annual package. 

  1. Free: Allows to quickly create low-code and execute it across platforms and maintain tests. The Free Package allows:
  • Desktop testing
  • API Testing
  • Web Testing
  • Mobile Testing

2. Studio Enterprise: Provides powerful solutions that help your business. With that, it also provides Node-locked and Floating licenses. The benefits are:

  • Price: $839/license/year
  • Helpdesk support
  • Extended features
  • All studio functions
  • Private plugins

3. Runtime Engine: It completes tests through either command-line interface or CI/CD pipeline.

  • Price: $599/license/year
  • Allows CI/CD integration
  • Runs and schedules test simultaneously
  • Supports all execution environment

6. Espresso
Developed by Google, Espresso is an open-source android user interface that is simple and efficient. It has three essential components – viewMatchers, viewActions and viewAssertations which makes it a lightweight API. This tool makes the process of testing pretty straightforward and fast as the test recorder allows recording of the test rather than writing detailed codes. It does automatic synchronization of UI elements and test actions: the framework detects when an element is available for testing and runs test commands accordingly.

7. Eggplant
Designed and developed by TestPlant, Eggplant is a commercial GUI Automation testing product. This tool ensures faster and efficient testing and on-time delivery. This reduces the IT cost while improving the quality. One script can be used for all the devices and platforms. And it is useful for image-based, mobile, network, and cross-browser testing. Eggplant’s pricing depends on the business needs and requirements. Its basic subscription license starts at $3400 for one test stream. 

  • Second test stream: $1700
  • Third test stream: $850
  • Comprehensive package: $595 for one system with three different test streams.
  • 4+ test stream: $425 each.

8. Avo Assure
It is a heterogeneous test automation solution. Avo Assure is rather intuitive and ensures flawless testing. As per them, users can automatically create and deploy test cases without paying any extra penny. The highlight of this tool is that it achieves up to 90 per cent automation coverage. And this further saves almost 30 per cent of the automation effort.

9. LambdaTest
Users can perform live testing on mobile and desktop simultaneously. It performs online cross-browser testing that enables both manual and automated compatibility testing. While performing the test, this tool can directly mark the bug to any management tool like JIRA, Asana, Trello or move it to Github, Gitlab or also communicate over Slack. LambdaTest’s most popular package is the Web and Mobile Browser Automation which is for $99/month. And their annual subscription will save up to 20 per cent. This package includes:

  • Unlimited Realtime Browser Testing
  • Unlimited Responsive Testing
  • 24×7 Support
  • 3rd Party App Integrations
  • Unlimited Screenshot Testing

Their other packages are Lite which is lifetime free, Live that goes for $15/ month, and Web Automation for $158.

10. Xamarin.UITest
It is an open-source, cross-platform UI testing framework. The tests are written by С# and NUnit. Although it is expensive, studies suggest that this tool is rather useful. A good choice for apps to build with Xamarin.Forms, Xamarin.UITest easily integrates with other Microsoft Visual Studio products. As per Fortuitas, this testing tool has four levels:

  • Stater: Free
  • Indie: $25/month
  • Business: $999
  • Enterprise: $1899

Final Thoughts
Mobile Application Testing, although is a tedious job, the rewards are highly advanced and fruitful. Integrating this process ensures that the product delivered is of high quality, and it further reduces complexities that would arise during its use. Not to forget, automated testing improves the business results by providing greater testing effectiveness and efficiency, and a short time to market. We agree mobile application testing is taxing, but our able testers and developers know their job. To know more about this, kindly contact the App-Scoop mobile app developers: https://www.app-scoop.com/contact-us.html

How to increase user engagement through mobile gamification?

The success of a brand always boils down to its user engagement. High engagement is crucial in understanding the product’s profitability, and on the other hand, it exudes the loyalty of the customers and their expectations from the brand as well. As per a report published by PWC, user experience is everything. They say, 73 percent of all people point to customer experience as an important factor in their purchasing decisions. Time and again, we humans have devised plans to captivate users’ attention. And in the recent past, mobile gamification has played a significant role in doing so. The science of applying the game dynamics or the important elements of the game into various mobile apps and software has simply revolutionized the relationship between brands and users. A recent study done by Mordor Intelligence suggests that in 2019, the global gamification market had reached over $7.17 Bn in value. And by 2025, the CAGR is expected to witness a growth of over 30.1 per cent. This further denotes the vital co-relation between mobile gamification and user engagement.  
Engaging users via the art of gamification 

A well-known retail company incorporated the virtues of gamification in such a simple yet impactful way, that it left the users wanting for more. Instead of directly handing over the discounts, the company made the users earn it, by simply playing spin the wheel, know the answers, and a few other games. The outcome made the users feel instant gratification, special, and this piqued their interest. Growth Engineering – Online Learning Engagement Experts, defines gamification as taking something that is not a game and applying game mechanics to increase user engagement, happiness, and loyalty! Here are a few ways to use gamification to boost user engagement. 

1. Game mechanics 
In simple words, game mechanics is a sort of governing body that manages the users’ actions and feedback. Designing the elements plays an important role here. Here are some of the game mechanics that will intrigue the users.

  • Challenge

Everyone loves a challenge. Why? Because of the gratification that the user is given at the end of the play. Even if the play results in a loss, it inspires the users to take up a new challenge until they win. Motivate the users to finish the task by providing eye-catching rewards.

  • Points

This system is an extension of the badges’ element. As the user processes in the game, their inquisitiveness builds up. Gratifying their hard work, in the form of points will add value to your product and aid in keeping the user’s attention in check.

  • Scoreboards 

The intent of doing better than the others drives a person to achieve the impossible. Scoreboards come with a detailed performance chart of all the available players. This encourages the users to keep giving their best.

  • Levels

Increase the level of complexity when the user completes a hurdle. The complexity is what makes the game fun.

  • In-app currency

Rewards based on the user’s performance can be in the form of currency as well. Allow the user to buy something valuable in the app. Providing extra lives pushes them to keep going on in the game. For instance, Starbucks’ in-app payment approach is a sure shot hit amongst its users. It allows the user to earn stars for their spending. Starbucks rewards this gesture by giving them free drinks or meals.

  • Badges or Stickers

Rating the user’s performance positively and exclusively, certainly makes them feel special. Badges are a visual representation of how the user has excelled so far. Reward the accomplishment with a badge or sticker. For instance, Duolingo, a language learning app, enables its user to track their performance. It even allows social interaction and encourages them to collaborate with friends. To reward the user’s performance, Duolingo gives them badges after completing a certain task. It even has a point-based reward system and scoreboard.

2. Get creative 
There is no limit to your imagination when it comes to incorporating gamification. Advertising in a creative way will spike the user’s interest. Understand your target audience, and market accordingly. For instance, the user engagement approach handled by Google Pay is quite intriguing. Globally, it has over 150 million users. They usually come up with a reward system depending on the occasion. To add to that, the user can earn up to 100 points for inviting new users. And after every transaction, the user wins a reward without fail. All this adds in captivation the user’s attention.

3. Quirky collaborations 
To make the reward system more appealing, collaborating with other well-known brands will definitely boost your game. For instance, if the user is regularly using your product, to appreciate their loyal, you can reward them with in-house currency, points, or a discount on another brand by collaborating with them. Giving outside incentives is an excellent approach to engage the users. 

4. The escapist approach
Most users are fed up with their mundane life. What they look for is escapism. Transform your services, products, and communication by entering the uncharted territory of ‘escaping the reality’. To do so, work on providing the following…

  • A dreamy user interface.
  • Allow the user to customize their profile.
  • Get creative by offering them a plethora of avatars to use as their profile pictures. 

5. Promote healthy competition
To broaden your brand’s establishment, motivate the user to challenge their real friends as well as strangers. This will help to rope in new customers. And winning the game in the presence of their friends gives them a sense of satisfaction. 

Final thoughts
For App-Scoop, customer satisfaction and user engagement are of the utmost priority. App-Scoop is fully aware of what gamification brings to the table. And we have been incorporating game mechanics for user engagement for a long time. Our recent project Deleezy, a delivery-based application and a few others, have become an instant hit, courtesy of the way it was built and our idea of integrating the method of gamification to deliver results. It goes without saying that gamification is the present and the further. This segment comes with a surety of high growth and utmost user engagement. App-Scoop is up to date when it comes to integrating the latest technologies in our services. Gamification has the ability to make turn your application into an overnight hit. And for that, one must understand its elements and application thoroughly, which we do! App-Scoop abides by its vision of delivering excellence. If you wish to collaborate with us, kindly contact: https://www.app-scoop.com/contact-us.html


QR Codes: Bridging gaps between patients and hospitals

There is always more to QR Codes than what we see through our eyes. Gone are the days, when QR Codes were scanned for payments only. Owing to its flexible nature, this technology has made its way in almost all the industries – banking, retail, finance, HR and payrolls, education, and marketing, just to name a few. However, the way it has navigated its path in the healthcare sector is highly commendable. A recent study by Juniper Research states that by 2022 the number of QR code coupons redeemed via mobile will reach 5.3 billion. This means various industries, especially wellness and healthcare will surely benefit from this.
​QR codes played a great role during the outbreak of COVID-19. Right from easy access to patients to aiding the hospitals to provide contactless services, QR codes ensured social distancing and adhered to all the protocols of COVID-19. In this blog, we will throw some light on the basics of QR codes, their importance in the healthcare sector, and how App-Scoop embraced this technology to grow leaps and bounds. 
QR Code in healthcare:

The way the QR code technology penetrated the healthcare sector is simply commendable. That is precisely because of what it brings to the table. Be it the patients or the hospital staff, both can easily scan the code through their smartphones for various purposes. This touch-free technology saves time further benefiting both the patients and the hospital. QR codes ensure a swift patient management system as it helps in streamlining the core processes. It further provides a breather to the hospital staff as it guarantees time efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Let’s take a look at some of the other uses of this technology in the healthcare sector. 

Benefits of using QR code in healthcare and well-being

(Source: Google Trends)
The above graph clearly shows a steady rise in the significance of QR codes in the past few years. Utilizing QR codes enhances the care delivery process, patient and hospital staff management, marketing, and other processes.

  • Contactless access

Abiding by the COVID-19 norms has become the need of the hour. Incorporating QR codes in the business process enhances the business’ efficiency, and it moreover ensures zero-contact check-ins, social distancing, and other COVID norms. QR code is a one-step process to allows the patients to register themselves, schedule appointments, and follow up procedures. This process at larger minimizes the spread of the virus and provides a safe environment for all.

  • Healthcare marketing

Doctors, clinics, and hospital staff can make use of QR codes to reach a larger audience. They can include QR codes on pamphlets or brochures. Providing QR codes gives easy access to the patients to understand the hospital’s services.

  • Equipment management

Hospitals and clinics are full of medical equipment. When you store such myriad equipment, management becomes a task. QR codes linked with these medical instruments allows the hospital staff a better way to manage it. Scanning the codes will give the staff easy access to information that the equipment withholds. The manual that comes with the medical equipment are lengthy and reading it becomes a task. A simple scan will provide the helpers with what they are looking for. This overall increases the hospital efficiency.
(Information source: https://mobisoftinfotech.com/resources/blog/qr-codes-to-enhance-patient-outcome/)

  • Helping senior citizens

Age is just another number. It is not an indicator of one’s skill or how one should enjoy their life. A person of any age has the freedom to be carefree. Elderly people are restricted to their homes owing to many reasons. To overcome these issues, QR code comes as a boon. Senior patients, or people suffering from Alzheimer’s or Dementia, can now go for walks nearby their house and still, their family members can be at ease. All the patient needs to do is wear the QR bracelets which contains all their personal information. In case of any mishap, they can easily be traced.

  • Drugs authenticity

As per a report, more than 132 million people in the United States take prescriptions drugs. Providing QR codes on the prescription and pharmaceutical packing can bridge the communication gap between buyer and seller. This further helps in minimizing fake or counterfeit drugs.

  • Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM)

This digital technology has made providing medical services to all a piece of cake. QR codes can be used to monitor the patients’ health even after they get discharged. For instance, the patient can update their history or even their medicine routine, by scanning the QR code and informing the hospital. It is a win-win situation for all.
(Information source: https://drkumo.com/rpm-remote-patient-monitoring/remote-patient-monitoring-qr-codes-in-healthcare/)
How App-Scoop embraced this technology?
By making utmost use of this technology, we provided Cambian, a Vancouver-based organization, a business solution that expedited various of their processes. Handling such a project post-pandemic, showcased the importance of this technology. We offered solutions that helped in booking appointments, allocating resources, managing waitlists and patients’ records, and streamlining workflows. Automating their existing process where they had to enter the records manually, gave their workflow a new dimension. And on the other hand, it came as a relief for the patients as well. This is how the system worked:

  1. Instead of calling the hospitals for an appointment, the patients need to fill an online form with all their details. This is a one-time task.
  2. Once they fill in all the information, a QR code is created against their name. This now becomes their unique identification code.
  3. The application scans for the doctor’s details and provides the patients with an appointment as per availability.
  4. Upon arrival at the hospital or clinic, all the patient needs to do is show the QR code at the reception.
  5. As the users fill in all their information at their convenience, the hospital team can keep a close watch on the updates, further providing them better care.

And the outcome, you ask? This solution provides the users or patients, better care at the comfort of their home. They can easily schedule an appointment, making this process hassle-free as opposed to what it was before. It lent a helping hand to the hospitals to abide by the COVID-19 rules and regulations.

Statista’s recent survey exudes that over 11 million households in the United States have scanned QR codes last year alone. This number rose from 9.76 million scans in 2018. These statistics showcase that QR codes have become a household name. The reasons are many. However, what takes the driver’s seat is what this technology brings to the table. Be it any industry, QR codes has shown its worth which has only lead to the improvement of the business. And when the future of this technology is so bright, why should you stay aloof? App-Scoop crafts business solutions and products with utmost care and passion.
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