A Beginner’s Guide to the Internet of Things

​It’s been 20 years that the Internet has entered into our lives. In today’s date, we have more than 2 billion users accessing the internet through various technological equipment not only on desktops, laptops, smart phones and tablets but also through everyday devices such as cars, lights, TV, thermostats, etc. Most electrical devices are now attached and controlled via the internet. These devices are “things” in the term commonly used, “internet of things”. 
Origin and Meaning of Internet of Things

Kevin Ashton, digital innovation expert coined the term ‘Internet of Things’ or ‘IoT’ as, “If we had computers that knew everything there was to know about things—using data they gathered without any help from us—we would be able to track and count everything, and greatly reduce waste, loss and cost. We would know when things needed replacing, repairing or recalling, and whether they were fresh or past their best.”

Reference: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/kevin-ashton-describes-the-internet-of-things-180953749/

​The Oxford dictionary is has defined IoT as, “The interconnection via the Internet of computing devices embedded in everyday objects, enabling them to send and receive data.” The IoT is an umbrella term that covers ‘things’ such as sensors, communication technologies, applications, IoT gateways, etc.
Reference: https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/internet_of_things
IoT is growing and will continue to grow in 2017 and beyond. Whether it reaches the lofty predictions of 50 billion connected devices by 2020 remains to be seen, but I strongly believe that businesses who learn to harness the data created by the Internet of Things are the ones who will survive and thrive in the future.
Reference: http://spectrum.ieee.org/tech-talk/telecom/internet/popular-internet-of-things-forecast-of-50-billion-devices-by-2020-is-outdated

The IoT has a unique IP (Internet Protocol) address is allocated to each end point or device. Hence, consumer devices such as fitness trackers are attached to things to make them IoT-enabled. To put in simple terms, the unique IP address of an endpoint allows it identify it via the Internet. It can retrieve and/or send data from/to it.

Examples of IoT

Let’s take a look of a few examples of IoT.

Smart Home

Do you fancy stepping into a cold room before you reach home? Or having hot water in the shower after a tiring meeting? Now, that’s possible with the tip of your fingertips. It’s easy to make a smart home and connect these technological equipments to an app that you can operate over the phone!
A smart home is the new way of living a luxurious life. It’s not as expensive but is very convenient for the end user. More and more people are converting their home into a smart home. It is said that 70% of people who purchased their first smart home device believe they are more likely to purchase more, according to a Smart Home Technology Survey.

Wearable Technology

Wearable technology is the tomorrow! People no longer want to carry bulky devices, the smaller the device the better. For instance, every mobile company is trying to build a lighter and smaller version of a cell phone with maximum functions.
Wearable technology that has swept the market includes FitBit watches, Apple watches, Wearable music devices, etc. As per research, it is said that there were 78.1 million wearables sold in 2015 and the market is expected to grow to 411 million by 2020.

Smart Cars

“It is estimated that a staggering 82 percent of cars will be connected to the internet by 2021. App integration, navigation and diagnostic tools, and even self-driving cars will be ways the Internet of Things transforms the automobile industry.” Currently, the auto industry is investing heavily to determine the next IoT innovation.

Internet of Things – What’s Special?

IoT devices such as cars, fitness devices, electrical devices, etc. have different sensors. These sensors can monitor movement, temperature, moisture levels and location even in the most complex environmental factors.
They make it possible to inject a broad range of data into applications as they are connected to the Internet. This is also possible because of their connectivity features, IP address and a wide range of fix and wireless communication networks.
The outcomes and goals is where the real value of IoT lies. It’s not about the sending and receiving of data only. The reasons that it makes a difference in lives of people are:

  • The end result for which people acquire it; for example, people purchase the FitBit in order to keep a record of their fitness levels
  • The analysis of data that is where the data is being generated, for example in the cloud or at the edge and the insights that are generated through the analysis

Use Cases for Consumer Internet of Things

Personal Healthcare

A trending use case in the Consumer IoT is personal healthcare. Fitness trackers are very simple devices that helps keeps track of some health-related data and some activity-related data. These are then combined and shown within applications that enable you to improve your personal health, fitness and lifestyle, sometimes with group features.

Track and Trace

A typical so-called cross-industry IoT use case is the tracking of goods, products, people and even pets. As we know, a tracking system sensor allows you to find and follow a person or an object that has the sensor in it.
Track and trace, leveraging IoT, however is also used in the industry, logistics and transportation, often with more complex devices that also provide info on environmental factors and the state of goods. These trackers can be used for something as simple as tracking the location or as complex as tracking a container of goods on a ship in the ocean.

Predictive Maintenance

Let’s understand predictive maintenance with the help of an example. Imagine a vendor of big industrial robots wants to know upfront which robots might needs maintenance. The cost a company faces when these robots break down is very high.
Here, IoT can intervene and predict which robots need to be maintained when and where. This reduces the cost and the customers of the robot manufacturer enjoy great benefits. This IoT requires far more complex systems, devices, networks and platforms to analyze and intervene.

Disadvantages of IoT

With the advantages that the IoT technology offers, there are a few disadvantages attached.
IoT needs to work on the security features of the product to protect it from the hackers. In 2016, millions of devices were hacked and a lot of malfunctioning occurred in the infrastructure.
Users should also ensure that they have a backup and keep their devices secure. 

Bottom Line

This is just a start for the IoT industry. Business have started to now develop and expand the IoT technology in their products, services and operations will realize soon about the competitive advantage that they will have.

Blockchain: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

The Bitcoin fever has been spreading like wild fire throughout the world. Everyone wants to make some easy money by investing in this crypto currency. Bitcoin works on the blockchain technology. Blockchain was originally created to support the Bitcoin but soon the tech community has started using this technology for other purposes.
Blockchain is the brainchild of a person or a group of people known by the name of Satoshi Nakamoto. In 2017, the global blockchain technology market is predicted to reach 339.5 million U.S. dollars in size and is forecast to grow to 2.3 billion U.S. dollars by 2021.

Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/647231/worldwide-blockchain-technology-market-size/
Don & Alex Tapscott, author of Blockchain Revolution (2016) stated, “The blockchain is an incorruptible digital ledger of economic transactions that can be programmed to record not just financial transactions but virtually everything of value.” To make this simple, let’s take a look at the three main components of blockchain; the blockchain itself, peer to peer networks and consensus mechanisms. Without these three components, this technology will not be able to render any technical functions.    

Understanding Blockchain

Blockchain is basically structured data; it’s like a ledger file that keeps track of all the financial records. Let’s compare this to a book. The page numbers of the book are equivalent to the ‘blocks’ used in this technology. Just like pages, there are numbered and appear in a chronological order. For example, page number 86 comes between page number 85 and 87. Similarly, blocks have a timestamp. The blocks are added in a chronological order with the latest timestamp forming a chain of blocks.
Blockchain technology is considered to be a secure system because cryptology is used to ensure that nobody can intermingle with the timestamps or blocks. If somebody does so, there is digital evidence in the system. This makes it ideal for handling data structure and to keep track of records of anything that is valuable.
We’ll take an example of Bitcoin to showcase how the blockchain technology works when it comes to data management. When a transaction is made in Bitcoin, the block states ‘who’ sent the information to ‘whom’. The ledger stores the information of the person who owns the Bitcoin at any moment in time; this is called the current ‘state’ of the blockchain.
A transaction only takes place when it is included in a block and added to the chain. This sets a motion of documentation; once the block has been added that state of blockchain is updated which means that it gets stored in the ledger. Hence, if one needs to validate whether someone has actually made a transaction or not, the ledger has to be made publicly available. This is when the next component comes into place – peer-to-peer networks.

Role of Peer to Peer Networks

If you need to check whether someone has made a transaction to the address or wallet, you need to use a blockchain as a ledger for transactional data. This data is downloaded, synchronized and made available to a large number of computers worldwide. These computers are called nodes. To ensure that blockchain is secure and up-to-date, they work together in a peer-to-peer network. Every time a block is added, all the nodes are updated.
The advantages of peer-to-peer network are:

  • Blockchains can be checked using a blockchain explorer.
  • One does not need to rely only on one party to know the true state of blockchain.
  • It makes it difficult for the hackers to hack blockchain because there is no one specified computer or system that needs to be hacked; they will need to hack thousands of computers at the same time.
  • Blockchain can never be deleted, because it has to be deleted by all nodes.

There are a few concerns though about checking the data on blockchain. These concerns are addressed by a consensus mechanism, which is the third component of the blockchain.

Understanding Consensus Mechanism

There are a few questions such as:

  • How do I know that the data in blockchain is correct?
  • How does one know that there are no invalid transactions in the blocks?
  • Are there different versions of the blockchain, how do you know which shows the true state of the blockchain?

These questions can be answered, thanks to the cryptographic code that Nakamoto developed for Bitcoin. The consensus mechanism stirs magic: it allows nodes in peer-to-peer network to work together without having to know or trust each other.
 Vitalik Buterin, founder of Ethereum, states, “The purpose of a consensus algorithm is to allow for the secure updating of a state according to some specific state transition rules, where the right to perform the state transitions is distributed among (…) users which are given the right to collectively perform transitions through an algorithm.”
Simply explained, this means that the consensus mechanism has a set of rules that makes sure that the network works as intended and stays in sync. The rules of this mechanism are based on how the blocks need to be added to the mechanism, which blocks are considered valid and how conflict of truth is resolved.  Let’s take a look at each rule in detail!

Adding blocks to the chain

Different blockchains add block to the consensus in different ways. Let’s take an example of Bitcoin’s Proof of Work (PoW). The first rule is to add a new block every ten minutes; this process is called mining. Nodes that add a block to the chain are miners; they use computational powers of their computer to solve a cryptographic puzzle. When the puzzle is solved, a block is added to the chain.

Validity of blocks

Once the miner solves the puzzle and mines the block, all nodes in the network check if the block is valid before adding it to the chain. For example, Tom received 1 Bitcoin which it sends later to Katherine. He then tries to send the same Bitcoin to Jack. As soon as Tom sends the Bitcoin to Katherine, the nodes update the blockchain to reflect that Tom doesn’t have any Bitcoin left. Hence, the block that was sent again to Jack would not be valid and will not be added to the chain of blocks.

How conflict of truths are resolved

Sometimes by mistake, two miners add a valid block to the chain at the same time. Imagine that a part of the nodes have accepted one block and another part has accepted the other block. Just like in the above example, one block was accepted for Katherine and the other included the transaction with Jack. The system will end up having two different states of the blockchain at the same time! This is called a fork. The blockchain was forked in two different chains; does Katherin or Jack have Bitcoin? The question remains, which of the two is the ‘true’ blockchain. It’s rather simple – the longest chain wins.
This is just a brief way to understand how distributed ledgers work.

Blockchain – New Web 3.0

This technology gives internet users the ability to create value and by authenticating digital information. Some of the benefits of using blockchain technology and their examples are as below:

Sharing Economy
Blockchain has decentralized sharing of economy by enabling peer-to-peer payments and letting the parties interact directly.

Initiative like Kickstarter and Gofundme are doing advanced work for peer-to-peer economy. People want to work independently without a third party being involved. Hence, the blockchain technology can help them create crowd-sourced venture capital funds.
In 2016, one such experiment, the Ethereum-based DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization), raised an astonishing $200 million USD in just over two months. Participants purchased “DAO tokens” allowing them to vote on smart contract venture capital investments.

Since, the peer-to-peer network has a transparent ledger; the company governance becomes fully transparent and verifiable when managing digital assets, equity or information.

File Storage
Decentralized storage of files on the internet has benefits. The distributed data on several servers make it very difficult for hackers to attack or files getting lost. The Inter Planetary File System (IPFS) makes it easy to conceptualize how a distributed web might operate.

Identity Management
The ability to identify your identity is a key factor went it comes to making any digital transaction. Distributed ledgers offer enhanced methods for proving who you are, along with the possibility to digitize personal documents.
“Netki is a startup that aspires to create an SSL standard for the blockchain. Having recently announced a $3.5 million seed round, Netki expects a product launch in early 2017.”

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC)
AML and KYC can be adapted into blockchain to analyze transactions. For example, Startup Polycoin can identify transactions as being suspicious are forwarded on to compliance officers. Another startup, Tradle is developing an application called Trust in Motion (TiM). It allows the users to take a snapshot of key documents and once verified by the bank, they can be stored cryptographically on the blockchain.

Future of Blockchain Technology

“The future of finance could be dominated by blockchain technologies. A traceable global currency complete with an efficient infrastructure will not only result in massive cost reduction for all market participants, it will change global banking.”

App-Scoop blockchain team can provide more details and guidance on how to build blockchain solution for your business.
Contact app-scoop team – https://app-scoop.com/contact-us.html

What Is a Discovery Phase and Why Do I Need One for My Project

What is the discovery phase of a project? Imagine hiring an employee without knowing what tasks he needs to perform, what you would be paying him/her and the reason you are employing him. You’d never do that would you? Similarly, when you take up a project, you need to go through the discovery phase.

What is the Discovery Phase?

Discovery phase is the time you take to understand and analyze the project that you are about to invest your time, effort and money into. It helps to reduce failure and ensures that you maximize the potential of the idea. Basically, the discovery phase is where you conduct all the research and plan your entire digital project, as well as understand the stakeholders and the needs of the end customers. This phase helps to reveal the real pain points that you might face while developing the project and understand the how and why. 

Develop a blueprint of your project – outline a project goal statement that includes the exact outcome of the project. You can jot down the following outcomes:

  • Major milestones of the project
  • Cost estimated
  • Functional requirements
  • Potential visual designs
  • Information architecture that explains how the content should be displayed

Basic Steps of the Discovery Phase

Data analytics
Learn about the user habits and go through the analytics of a similar project that is conducted. Look at the areas where the users drop off and the pages of high and low traffic. Try and understand why these problems are occurring and make sure that you don’t make the same mistakes while developing your project.

Audience poll
Understanding what the users want is the key to creating a successful end product. Users can be categorized in age groups, demographics and backgrounds. They all have different needs and wants out of the end product. You can either plan your project so that its applicable to all users or focus on a certain type of users and base your project around that.

Map the journey
Making a plan on the whiteboard is never waste of time. Jotting down the steps and different stages of the project is of key importance. Ensure that when you map your journey, you give enough time for any hiccups that might occur while planning the project.

Questions to be Asked during the Discovery Phase

What are the business needs?
Imagine you are awarded a project that needs to see the light of day. The first step is to identify the stakeholder. Once you identify them, don’t assume that they are going to come with their exact needs. You will need to ask them the following questions:

  • Who their target audience is?
  • Who are the competitors?
  • What the current website content is?
  • How is the content structured? 
  • What is the performance indicator and how are we going to measure it?

What are the user needs?

As mentioned before, determining user needs has a detrimental effect on the finished product. In the discovery phase, you are expected to conduct surveys, expert reviews, speak to focus groups to gather user needs.
You can ask questions such as:

  • Why do the users want to use the service or website?
  • What sort of users are you going to have?
  • What is the user’s journey while using the product going to be?

Consequences of Skipping the Discovery Phase

So, what if you plan to skip the discovery phase? What happens then?
Your guesses can go off the mark and you cannot give accurate estimates. You might have to make a “best guess” approach which might go amiss.
The costing is likely to increase if a certain functionality or content does not produce the results as expected. This would increase the overall timeline and efforts for the project.
New or different technologies cannot be put to use if there is no expert advice taken or any research done. This could mean the loss of opportunities to explore ideas.


 As the old saying goes, “It is always better to be safe than sorry!” Getting the discovery phase right is crucial in creating a successful project. It defines the problem space, and sets the parameters for what that service is trying to achieve. The customer satisfaction at the end of the project will heighten the chances of bagging more projects in the future. They may not know the endless meetings and diagrams that were made at the beginning of the project but they will be satisfied with the end product from the get-go. So why not limit the risks to failure by just putting in a little more effort before you start the project? Think about it!

Why Mobile App Developers Need To Know About Blockchain

Bitcoin has been the latest topic of discussion between work colleagues, business meals and even amongst friends. This virtual currency has made millionaires. Some believe that Bitcoin is a bubble that’s about to burst; while others think that it’s going to magnify its presence and believe that in the near future each Bitcoin could cost around $60,000. Who wouldn’t want to invest in a market where the returns are phenomenal? Everyone wants a piece of this pie!
Like the old saying goes, “With great power comes great responsibility!” Here, the responsibility lies on the digital ledger that records the transactions in a decentralized database located in multiple places – also known as the blockchain. 

What is a Blockchain?

The word blockchain literally means a chain made of blocks. A block is the permanent set of data that is recorded in a ledger. For example, Jack has made a certain monetary transaction with Rose. This information is encrypted and stored on every computer on the system. These blocks are stored in a chronological order and such a chain of records is called a blockchain. The order of these blocks is important as each block has to contain a link of the previous one. These links help to secure the whole data system, so if any one adds any block between two chronological boxes, it is impossible to do without getting noticed. In 2017, the global blockchain technology market is predicted to reach 339.5 million U.S. dollars in size and is forecast to grow to 2.3 billion U.S. dollars by 2021.
Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/647231/worldwide-blockchain-technology-market-size/
But can a blockchain only be used for financial transactions? Well, the answer is no. Blockchain can be used in various different branches and it can be used in your app too!

Key Point

​The key point to note here is that blockchain technology doesn’t need the support of a middleman or a third party to conduct transactions. One of its most vital features is that it is based on a peer to peer payment. This mechanism will ensure that blockchain can go really far in the app industry.
Global spending on blockchain solutions in 2018, according Stacey Soohoo, Research Manager, Customer Insights and Analysis at IDC, says, “The year 2018 will be a crucial stage for enterprises as they make a huge leap from proof-of-concept projects to full blockchain deployments. As a leader in blockchain innovation and integration, the US will continue to invest in blockchain throughout the forecast, spending heavily in financial services, manufacturing, and other industries.”
Source: https://enterprisersproject.com/article/2018/2/5-blockchain-statistics-cio-reality-check

Blockchain and Mobile Apps

An app based on blockchain technology can be used to make payments, transfer money, prove identity (in case of enterprise apps) and manage health care and property records.
Firstly, the developer needs to create the architecture for the app that is similar to bit coin. But note that the design will vary as per the requirements of the app.
Secondly, the developers should be aware that to develop the app with this technology can be a tricky situation. The developer needs to test and debug the software so that it can run on a single system.
Thirdly, the developers should know about heisenbug – a bug that changes computer operations behavior. Another types of bug is mandelbug – this one creates problems such as abstract behavior of computer, whereas, a bug called schrödinbugs could lead to the app displaying unexpected behavior during an unconventional use.

Benefits of Using Blockchain

Identity Protection
When it comes to security, blockchain has trustworthy mechanism that can assign private key encryption to users and work on cryptography. As we know it is impossible to modify information while working on this decentralized public database.
Also, every data that is entered in blockchain becomes general knowledge with its track record of origin. Blockchain makes data transparent by giving all the parties a direct access to the reports.
Source: Tech Crunch

Infrastructure Protection
A major hack on the brand’s infrastructure can be removed by storing the DNS entries on blockchain. Hence, when the domain records are under the owner’s control it’s impossible for another individual or government to manipulate the entries.

Alternative to Passwords
As we know that the data is already protected by the infrastructure of blockchain technology, its distribution allows authentication of devices and users without the need of password protection. The network decentralization helps in creating consensus between parties for authentication through the blockchain-specific SSL certificates.

Case Studies on the Usage of Blockchain Technology

IBM is launching a network in the early 2018 in Canada where the people’s identity will be verified using a mobile app. They are building a network using blockchain that verifies people’s identities when they use services such as opening new bank accounts or getting driver’s licenses.
Another company called Landmapp is developing a service and mobile app that uses blockchain to document land titles and land rights. This will help developing countries, especially Africa to reduce the cost for titles. ShelterZoom has also built a service and mobile app that focuses on streamlining real estate offers are made using blockchain technology.
Forbes states that “Only 1.2 billion people have access to a bank account with payment capabilities, while there are approximately 5 billion unique mobile phone subscribers.” A partnership between the blockchain mobile payment company TelCoin and telecom companies will allow people who only have mobile phones and no bank accounts to make secure mobile payments using mobile apps. TelCoin co-founder and CEO Claude Eguienta said that the app will “provide financial services to billions of people.”
Source: Forbes Link

This technology doesn’t only make it beneficial for the app developers but they also make the application secure for the customers. Also, one can add the element of confidentiality and develop the advanced peer-to-peer payment platforms with the help of distributed nature of the blockchain.
Now that the fundamentals are covered, the developers need to decide whether blockchain fits the specific needs. The blockchain technology definitely seems to have a bright future when in the tech industry. 

Google Plans To Improve App Security: How can it affect your Android App?

With the rise of Android apps, Google Play has strived to focus on security and performance! There are more than 2 million Android devices, and in the year 2017, 82 billion apps were installed on Google Play. So, it is vital that Google Play makes it a positive experience for their users to discover and install apps that they love.

Source: https://www.androidcentral.com/over-82-billion-apps-have-been-installed-google-play-last-year
As we know, every Android application operates within a “process sandbox”. These silos can detect malware and contain them. But if the app requires data sources outside of its unique sandbox, they require permission. Even though Google has tried to keep the app secured, scanners don’t manage to catch everything. The user is not updated about the new permission until he/she updates the app. This makes the users data exposed to malware.
Hence, in the year 2018, Google has announced enhancements for increasing the security and performance for the app. Edward Cunningham, Product Manager of Android states that there are going to be three key changes in year 2018-2019.

Changes in API Requirement

In the second half of 2018, the new apps and app updates in Google Play must be built on APIs which can be optimized for performance and security. Google Play console will require the following updates:

  • August 2018: New apps required to target API level 26 (Android 8.0) or higher.
  • November 2018: Updates to existing apps required to target API level 26 or higher.
  • 2019 onwards: Each year the targetSdkVersion requirement will advance. Within one year following each Android dessert release, new apps and app updates will need to target the corresponding API level or higher.

This update will encourage the developers to create apps that have the latest user-interfacing interface, along with security enhancements. On the other hand, apps that do not adhere to the latest API update will be restricted. Google Play states that it wants to “proactively reduce fragmentation in the app ecosystem”.

64-bit Support Equipment

By August 2019, Android devices will only support the 64-bit code. Android 5.0 Lollipop was the first mobile operated system that introduced higher architecture. Today, more than 40% of devices support 64-bits, and at the same time maintain the 32-bit compatibility.
“The Play Console will require that new apps and app updates with native libraries provide 64-bit versions in addition to their 32-bit versions. This can be within a single APK or as one of the multiple APKs published.”
Source: https://android-developers.googleblog.com/2017/12/improving-app-security-and-performance.html

Security Metadata

In early 2018, Google Play plans to start adding a small amount of security metadata on top of each APK to verify the authenticity of the app. The developers or end users have to take no action on this update. This metadata is small and will not alter the functionality of the app. Google Play has further stated, “This metadata will enable new distribution opportunities for developers in the future and help more people keep their apps up to date”.
The metadata that will be added to APK will be like a Play badge of authenticity for the Android app. This will be just like the ‘Trust’ badge that is seen while buying any authentic product. Google Play further states, “We’ll adjust Play’s maximum APK size to take into account the small metadata addition, which is inserted into the APK Signing Block and does not alter the functionality of your app. In addition to enhancing the integrity of Play’s mobile app ecosystem, this metadata will enable new distribution opportunities for developers in the future and help more people keep their apps up to date”.
Source: https://android-developers.googleblog.com/2017/12/improving-app-security-and-performance.html

Additional Security Measurements

Further, Android is imposing restrictions on giving permissions. Permissions are of two types: dangerous and normal. When the app requests for the user’s calendar, camera, contacts, location, microphone, SMS or storage, they are classified as dangerous permissions, which are as of now granted. But by the year 2019, every call for private data will be in the hands of the user.
Another component of Android’s security changes is the function that prevents the OS from trusting user-added certificate authorities (CAs) by default. The goal for changing how Android treats CAs is to provide secure app traffic. Android now offers a standardized protocol for integrating trusted system CAs.  


Google Play has gone tremendously in the year 2017 by reducing the risk within the Android app ecosystem. Although, Google cannot predict the new malware of tomorrow, it is taking all the measures to improve security and provide a seamless experience to the user. In the year 2018-2019, we can foresee the measurements that will be taken to protect user data for Android users, thereby improving app security. 

Another Stellar Review on Clutch!

​Recently, one of our clients took the time to review us on Clutch, the leading B2B ratings and reviews platform. Clutch arms business buyers and sellers with the insight they need to facilitate productive business partnerships. Since August, our clients reviewed App-Scoop on Clutch and we are excited to share some of the feedback that can be found on our profile.
One of our clients needed an Android and iPhone application development for his lifestyle coaching business. The feedback received for our development work was great. App-Scoop was commended for the ability to listen to the clients’ specifications and delivering a great product.
“They are really reliable and their value is good” – Founder, AIM Coaching
Our most recent review, was a mobile application solution for nightlife and venue management. Our client provided App-Scoop with wireframes and UI recommendations and we restructured the backend and make it stable for ongoing development. Our client was satisfied with our application and commended our work ethic.
“Development has been nothing but bliss. They’ve exceeded expectations while erasing all previous issues; the team goes above and beyond.” – Founder, Tnight Inc. 
​We are extremely proud of the feedback that we have received on Clutch. As we grow as a company, we strive to create the most positive experiences for our clients. Whether it’s blockchain applications or custom software development – we treat all projects the same, focusing on our clients’ needs and specifications.
We look forward to getting more feedback from our clients in 2018. Be on the lookout for more Clutch reviews. 

Mobile App Stats You Need To Know Before You Start Building Your App

How do you start developing a mobile application? Or you want to make changes to the existing one? How do you initiate the first step? The first thing that you need to determine is the category of your app development project. There are three categories:

  1. Consumer (has potential for widespread adoption)
  2. Modernized (modernizing a new or existing business process)
  3. Migration (web-application to mobile-optimized version)
Planning is the second step of building your app. It is a crucial factor that needs to be managed right from inception to ensure that there is no re-work, maximum profitability and increased utility. Planning involves knowing your target group of customers and the mobile products available in the market; and then making an informed decision about what mobile strategy best suits your app’s need.
Here is a list of 51 mobile statistics that can help your with the decision making process and contour the product that you want to introduce to the market. 

1. 20% queries were made on the search engine using the voice technology.
Voice technology is easier, intuitive and easily accessible to any age group. For example, receiving a call while driving without picking up the call or your grandmother just asking for directions instead of typing them
2. 60% of app users are willing to share their health data collection from wearable technology to Google (in 2016).
Wearable technology, for example, FitBits gathers information about your eating patterns, sleeping patterns, number of steps taken and other general health related information. Many users connect these devices to Google services because it’s easier to store and integrate information on to other apps.
3. Mobile advertising has increased by 22% in the year 2016.
The world is using smartphones and the digital technology is the best way to reach maximum number of consumers with decreased costing. Short advertisements delivering strong messages are the most effective.
4. Mobile apps account for 57 percent of all digital media usage, and smartphone apps alone capture more than half of digital media time spent.
5. Spotify and Apple music are making more money than music stores; which gives recorded music its first growth in 16 years. 
Users want to access any song and download albums to view them offline on their smartphones. It’s made music accessible. Advertisements on these kind of sites are generally viewed more because the user wants to listen to the track.
6. Internet users in Indonesia spend 90% of their time online from a mobile device.
If you target your app towards countries that has such staggering data, it’s most obvious that there your app has a chance to be downloaded and used more than in other countries.
7. Most people use their smartphones to access information in the morning, shift towards using more data on laptops/desktop computers during work hours and tabs in the evening.
8. Over 51% of emails are opened on the mobile than on the desktop.
Working is no longer limited to desk spaces and office cabinets. Everyone checks their email on the go and wants to keep in touch with work even when they are travelling.
9. Replies sent from mobile devices are received 54% faster than from a desktop.
Short one line emails are becoming the norm. This makes it very easy for the user to send emails from their smart devices.
10. 90% of media time is spent on apps by mobile users while 10% is spent on websites accessed through a browser.
Consumers love apps; they are easily accessible and can be personalized.
11. According to Google, 90% of the millennial users go online daily.
There is a thin line between the real world and the online world. Apps like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tinder and Snapchat keeps people connected and keeps them in touch with the social world.
12. 75% of millennial users access their smartphones to go online.
This means that it is important that your app provides a seamless experience to the mobile user.
13. Pinterest is most favored by smartphone users, generating 64% traffic from phones or tablets.
14. 48% of millennial users watch videos exclusively on their mobile device.
It’s important to embed the videos into the web page so that it prompts the browser to use the best suited app to play the video.
15. 48% of millennial users download/use an app based on its functionality; 45% due to social influence from peers; and 37% based on the aesthetic appeal of the app.
16. 49% of millennial users delete an app if it uses too much of phone battery.
17. Red is the most popular icon color for food and drinks app; 30% of these are red while only 6% of them are blue.
According to color theorists red catches the eye and encourages feelings of energy and action and is even said to stimulate appetite.
18. Mobile searches using the word ‘best’ has increased by 80% in 2 years.
People want the best! When they download an app, they want information that shows them the ‘best’ of what they are looking for.
19. Smartphone users are more likely to purchase from companies that offer personalized searches.
For example, if the user types in ‘Chinese restaurant’, the app should be intuitive enough to show Chinese restaurants that are nearby, rather than 10 km. away.
20. 50% smartphone users are likely to purchase items on the spur of the    moment in 2017, compared to 2016.
21. There will be roughly 6 billion users in the year 2020.
22. Mobile web draws in more unique visits per month, but app users spend more time per visit.
23. 68% of smartphone users check their phone within 15 minutes of waking up.
24. 30% of smartphone users are anxious without their phone.
Most mobile users are dependent on their smartphone for reminders, work, etc. The thought of being without their smart devices is scary for most.
25. On an average, users check their phone 150 times a day.
26. Smartphone users in the middle of a task will reach for ideas by using their phones; this behavior is seen in 91% users.
27. 65% of users believe that the content that they receive (regardless of the source) while conducting a search on the mobile is accurate.
28. In 2016, 50% of iOS apps and 23% of Android apps crashed in Q2.
29. In the year 2016, 65% of iOS performance issues were related to app crashes.
30. 44% of in-app defects are found by the user.
31. 47% apps need more time for testing.
32. 58% of users are frustrated when they are unable to navigate through the app because of interface inconsistencies.
33. 52% of users get annoyed if the overall app performance is not seamless during use.
34. 29% of users will uninstall the app if they don’t find it useful.
35. 70% of users abandon an app because it takes a very long time to load.
Patience is a virtue only few possess. In this quick digital world, there is no time to wait.
36. 50% of men users do not have a single paid app on their smartphones.
37. 70% of women users do not have a single paid app on their smartphones.
38. 19% of millennial users purchase 12 plus apps in a year.
39. Without apps, 76% of millennial users find their phones useless.
40. 51% of users will delete an app if they do not use it often.
41. 47% will delete apps to de-clutter their screen.
42. 41% of users will delete an app if it takes up too much space in their smartphone.
43. 70% of millennial users are looking for new apps.
44. 43% of mobile users will agree to receive push notifications, out of which 63% of millennial users check them immediately upon receiving them.
45. 38% of marketers believe mobile strategy delivers significant ROI.
46. In 2016, the use of location-based mobile marketing has increased by 149%. 74% of marketers confirm that location-based mobile campaigns are very effective.
47. 80% of the marketing force believe that mobile exclusive offer campaigns are very effective.
48. 78% of the marketers declare that mobile loyalty campaigns are very effective.
49. The percentage of digital ad revenue using the smartphone is expected to grow to 70% by 2019.
50. 21% millennial users will delete the app if they do not like its logo.
51. By the end of 2016, smart devices accounted for 51% of total digital ad revenue.

As we’ve taken an in-depth look in the app stats, you should be able to now build and grow your next app project or even spark a new idea. Product requirements, product performance and user preferences should be considered at the initial stages of the app development. If you focus on the functionality, look and feel, experience and personalization – your mobile app will be the perfect solution. 

Shaping Your Product with the Right Design

Have you heard of a phrase ‘The first impression is the last impression’? Let’s say that you’ve gone for an interview. When you step into the interview room, what does the interviewer base his first judgment on? Correct, the way you are dressed and your overall grooming. Similarly, when you launch a product into the market, the first thing the users will notice is the look and feel of the product.

But just because a product looks good, doesn’t mean that it performs in par with the expectations. For instance, your interviewer may think that you look great, but if you cannot answer his questions correctly, then you will not get the job. 
The key is that the product should not only be designed well, but should also meet the functional expectations of the user. Design is the integral part of the project and in itself a feature. So, it’s logical to encounter the complexities and risks throughout the project rather than at the end. There is a term that is used in the software industry; it’s called the Waterfall model.  It is “a linear sequential (non-iterative) design approach for software development, in which progress flows in one direction downwards (like a waterfall) through the phases of conception, initiation, analysis, design, construction, testing, deployment and maintenance.” Using this method will prevent a downfall at the end; instead it will help, build and measure progress iteratively.
There are three simple guidelines that you must follow to build a great product. Each of these principles are dependent on one another. Let’s take a look at these guidelines.


There are times when software designers wonder, “The UX was great but I wasn’t able to design it the way the most trending app has been designed.” Design is user-centric and the more feedback you will receive from the people, the more functional design features can be inserted.
The key is to understanding the target audience; what problem do they have and what problem are you solving? This kind of interaction will fill the gaps from the design perspective. When you bring out the ideas and discuss them with your users, you will begin to understand the product’s strengths and weakness.


If your business doesn’t yield the output and make some money, then the product will get killed or not receive any sort of funding. Improving the ROI and keep a track of its success proves that it’s a business that is worth investing into. A good start is when you can define clear metrics to validate your Unique Value Proposition. This helps you focus more on the effort required.  
Designing a product that is cost-effective and has long term goals will generate more value than a product that isn’t designed to suit the needs in the long term or requires a lot of financial investment before its first output. If you manage to get your customers interested in the product and investing monetarily, then consider that you have passed the product validation test.


You might come up with crunched timelines and operationally and technically sounding solutions but it’s not always easy to complete it. The focus should not always be on the technical aspect but one should also focus on the feasibility, i.e. operations and actors.
“Actors are all the people that live and operate on the peripheral of the user.” To know who the actors are, you must look at the customer experience in context and investigate what needs to be true to create a smooth experience for the user.
You might hire trainees, third parties or hire an operational team, peripheral actors that are unable to see your vision, or consider the product as a threat can become a huge risk to the product’s feasibility. You must communicate, reiterate the product features and ensure that the team is working towards the correct output required for the product.


So, let’s recapitulate the learning with the help of three points:
Keep your aim fixed towards the long term goal. Don’t underestimate the hindrances that you might foresee to reach this goal. Instead, huddle as a team and think of the best way to get over them. The best way to keep track of the product design, take a chart paper and title it with your long term goal. Note each step (from the below to up) that you are taking towards that long term goal to validate and dismiss the assumptions and the risk that your product might face.
Preparation is the key. It’s important to collect your data to understand your customer’s sprint. Running design sprints will help you map out the customer’s journey involving all actors. By rolling out prototype and get feedback from the customers, you can test the hypotheses while keeping momentum, and at the same time keeping your stakeholders happy.
These steps will lead to building a Minimal Viable Product that your user base can discover, test and talk about. Your product’s design will be measured with the three principles that you’ve taken into account desirability, viability and feasibility.
If you get a product idea next time, save on expensive remodels and embed it with the product design from inception!

Mobile App Development Trends to Watch Out for in 2018

There are mobile consumers all over the world, and so mobile technology trends are important to follow. In today’s day and age, smartphones are increasingly pervasive and indispensable. The year 2017 has seen a phenomenal response with several mobile app trends restructuring the digital landscape. Mobile developers from all over the world are finding ways to make the apps on more sophisticated hardware tools, latest software and better hardware. 

In March 2017, there were 2.2 million apps for iOS users to choose from and 2.8 million for Android users. This is just the beginning! The mobile app market is only going to increase with better and more useful apps for users. So, what kind of apps do you think dominate the market? Most of it is dominated by Google apps, social media, gaming and lifestyle apps. Large companies such as banks and hospitality are using mobile applications to increase customer engagement, branding and use them for direct marketing. 
Now, let’s take a look at the mobile app trends for the year 2018. 
Apps to Wear and Internet of Things (IoT)
​What is IoT? When a device is connected via the Internet of computing devices in objects that are used daily, enabling them to send and receive data. With the advent of technology, the idea of smart homes, smart cities, smart health, smart automotive and smart education are on the rise. Carrying is now passé, the users are switching to more wearable devices such as Apple Watch and Android Wear. They include more functionality to habitual things giving more opportunities and discoveries for smartphone users.
With the increase of demand, these applications are going to increase and get smarter with the coming age. Analysts predict that this industry will grow from $157.05 billion in 2016 to $661.74 billion by 2021, which is quite a significant increase. Since these apps are directly controlled by smartphones, there will be an increase in IoT devices.

Increase in M-Commerce

Customers who are engaged in online shopping through apps have always required payment gateways to pay for products by using their credit/debit cards. With the introduction of Apple Wallet and Google Wallet, customers are slowly shifting to m-commerce. These m-commerce apps not only provide the customer the comfort of an electronic payment but also offers them various payback offers, schemes and discounts. 

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Apps

We are familiar with Augmented and Virtual Reality because of popular apps such as Pokémon Go and Snapchat. These apps are going to take the world by the storm. Imagine that you send a message to a friend saying “let’s book a cab for two” and a taxi app opens automatically! That is what these apps are all about.
The future of AR depends on mostly two main criteria:

  • Any change happening in the real world should be interpreted in the app to create a well-defined experience
  • User experience should be simple, i.e. the customer should get all the information necessary without using many commands

 Similarly, the future of VR depends on how quickly and effectively you can transport the user in an imaginary space without a wand. The main rules for futuristic VR trends will be:

  • Designing three-dimensional images, i.e. the app should be able to change the image and show every perspective to the user
  • Adding more realism and similarity of objects as the user comes closer, i.e. give them a real experience
  • Define the sound so that the user gets immersed into the VR

AR and VR apps require a lot of brilliance in designing, futuristic technology and brilliant software to support it. The future definitely looks promising.

Artificial Intelligence

We’ve understood the future of AR, now let’s take a look at AI i.e. Artificial Intelligence. The incorporation of AI in our smartphones will have many implications. For example, imagine an image that can change its characteristic based on your mood or preferences. Content should be modified from user to user and should be based on his/her preferences. This could also include location specific information. In 2018, most smartphones will have an AI chip.
Yoo Hoi-jun, a professor at Korea Advanced Institute of Technology, recently said, “Competition for AI chips is so intense globally that we will be able to see AI chip-equipped smartphones in the second half of next year.”

On-Demand and Location Based Service Apps

On-demand apps make our lives easier and help us save a lot of time from our busy schedules. These apps include cleaning services, cooks, beauty services, food delivery and taxi servicing apps. These include apps like Uber, Zomato, etc. They are popular because they convenient, timely services and easy payments.
On the other hand, location based apps surfaced such as Groupon offers best deals to their app users depending on their location. It’s possible that in the near future that Facebook and Google might suggest you shops based on location specific portals, navigation and indoor mapping sectors. This would be the biggest development trend in the field of intuitive apps.

Cloud Based Apps

Users feed a huge amount of information in their smart devices, such as videos, photos, and personalized information. Imagine if all of this data gets transferred to a cloud based app! If that happens, it would mean that the devices will work much faster and the data will be saved on a much secure network.
Cloud based apps will give enterprises a sigh of relief because they will be able to share their sensitive corporate data on a secured platform. The current cloud based apps include Dropbox and Google Drive. A cloud technology is a must because it offers reduction in hosting equipments and cost, streamlined process and operations, increase of storage capacity and increased collaboration and productivity. 

Cyber Security

​With the increase in m-commerce and personalization of apps, it’s logical that there will also be a high concern when it comes to securing that kind of data. Imagine all of your financial and personal information threatened by a hacker! As more and more personalized and sensitive information such as personal photos, financial details, personal information down to our shoe size, and even fingerprints in some cases, there will be a need for more apps that protect this kind of information. According to Network World, “70% of mobile professionals will conduct their work on personal smart devices by 2018“. Apps with in-built security features either through API or a simple code for their remote access are becoming the norm and their presence should continue to rise in 2018.


Chatting is in, calling is out! Chatbots and voice-activated assistants powered by artificial intelligence will be the upcoming trend in the year 2018. Assistance will be provided to user by integrating messaging platforms to serve as assistants. Real-time automated conversations between businesses and customers will be possible. Significant process in natural language will be seen with an introduction of voice based interfaces.

Block Chain 

Bitcoin and cryptocurrency are the latest money making trends this year, and as of late the term ‘Blockchain’ is being circulated in the tech community. The digital currencies solely work on technology and hence, all transactions are conducted and recorded. Now, with the latest introduction of Blockchain, it need not just be a monetary unit but it can also be used all other interesting uses.

Distributed Cloud Storage

Soon there is going to be a problem with Blockchain data storage. The current cloud storage services are centralized but it can be de-centralized with Blockchain. For example, Storj is a beta testing cloud storage that uses a Blockchain-powered network to make it less dependent and more secure. Anyone can store their data by a praying a price securing it in multiple prices by hashing.

Digital Identity
Digital security is a concern for everyone in the world. Blockchain technology can make the digital world more secure and efficient by tracking and managing it, resulting in a secured platform and less fraud. For example, the data breach that happened at Target breached private information of more than 70 million customers. With the help of Blockchain these hacked data bases can be uniquely authenticated in a secure manner.

Timestamp Feature
The timestamp feature is one of the most interesting features. The whole network validates the state of a hash i.e. wrapped piece of data at a particular time. Manuel Aráoz, a Buenos Aires, Argentina-based developer, who built Proof of Existence as a decentralized method of verification, a kind of cryptographic notary service said, “As the Blockchain is a public database, it is a distributed sort of consensus; your document becomes certified in a distributed sort of way”.

Lazy Loading

The upcoming trend in 2018 includes lazy loading. You might wonder, what’s that? Let’s understand. When you click to read an article, you might notice that it would take a really long time for the article to download with its images. By the time the article downloads you are either distracted or you just quit and move on. This increased the bounce rate and a drop in the conversion rate. To solve this problem, tech gurus have decided to implement lazy loading which basically means that the images will only download when the user is on the page.

Touch ID

Fingerprint technology and eye scanning are one of the top security factors that can be incorporated into a smart device. Imagine access to data only with your fingerprint. It isn’t just cool but it also saves a lot of time in congruence with the fact that only you can access that data. This safety security measure has been used by top financial and corporate companies to secure sensitive data. Imagine this kind of security system on your smart devices. Touch ID is already used for apps such as Apple pay and Dropbox.

In App Gestures paired with Animation

Designers will need to pay more attention to gestures. Animation should be used to inform them about the interactions available. It should also be able to:

  • Clarify the relation between UI elements
  • Provide feedback on interaction

Full Screen Experiences

​Frameless designs have become a trend after the release of Samsung Galaxy S8 and iPhone X. The users prefer more space and expect a full screen experience.


Now that you know the key to success in 2018, remember to make apps that can integrate these mobile app trends. With several innovations at the brim of the market, ensure that you are on top of your game with a new innovation or in sync with the trends in your app strategies. Gartner has forecasted the sales of 2.1 billion smartphones by 2019 which is only going to fuel up the need for apps. These apps are surely going to make our lives easier.

Great Mobile Apps and Why They’re Successful: Case Studies

​Success is measured in different ways. For instance, in the app world success can be measured with the number of downloads and more recently by the number of active users. Mobile apps such as Facebook or Instagram have millions of active users, whereas, something as common as an alarm clock app might have a few thousand active users but almost every user has the ‘Clock’ app in their smart phones.
Let’s take a look at a few case studies for us to understand the great mobile apps and why they’re so successful. 

There are more than 11 million people who have downloaded the Starbucks app and about 21% of Starbuck transactions are done via the mobile app. So, how did they manage to get so many users?

Reference: https://www.retaildive.com/ex/mobilecommercedaily/elevated-foot-traffic-means-higher-mobile-order-pay-usage-for-starbucks

Special offers: Starbucks offered their customers free gifts such as discount coupons, birthday gifts and complimentary beverages. They engaged their customers by offering free stuff and their strategy worked!

Loyalty program: This strategy not only helped gain loyal customers but also provided Starbucks with their customer’s data. They obtained the record of their customer’s buying behavior and their favorite beverages. Every time a customer bought a drink, they get a star. On collecting a certain amount of stars, they can redeem them for more prizes and benefits.

Mobile order and pay: This feature is more for the convenience of the customer and the cashier. Isn’t it wonderful if you could pre-order your drink during the rush hours and quickly collect it from the counter instead of standing in that ridiculous long line? The mobile ‘Order and Pay’ option allows you to do exactly that!


Amazon has definitely made its mark in the e-commerce industry. The app apart from being a trustworthy retailer has also made a presence in m-commerce. It is fairly basic but very few retailers have mobile optimized sites that don’t hang up or have too many bugs. As per research, 80% of brands don’t have mobile sites.
Reference source: https://econsultancy.com/uk/blog/10111-is-your-mobile-strategy-fit-for-purpose

Easy purchases: Amazon makes it really simple for the users to purchase an item. Shoppers have an option to save their card details and address which are given access to only if the shopper logs in with his/her user name and password. These details make it less cumbersome for the users as they just need to choose their item and click Pay.

First come, first serve: Amazon was one of the early m-commerce app. Since, it was early in the market, the app developers got a lot of time to implement feedback and keep updating the app for better user experience.

Big calls-to-action: Once the shoppers choose their required product, the checkout should be done immediately. There should be a sense of urgency, for instance, Amazon ticks all the required boxes and directs you immediately to the next step: ‘Buy Now’.
Predictive search: Just like Google, Amazon offers predictive search across all its platforms. It’s very convenient if the platform can predict your search on the basis of your previous search, hence saving time of the user. It also helps correct spelling mistakes which also helps with the correct search results.

Optimization on all platforms: Amazon has it’s app for both Android and iOS users, as well as Blackberry and Windows Phone. This helps them reach all their customers that use a smart phone and improves the user experience.

Personal touch: Whether, you are on app or a mobile site, once you log in, Amazon welcomes you by name. It also showcases the items that you have searched for in the past in the ‘Wishlist’ column. It also recommends products based on shopper’s interest and previous search history. These searches and prompts give shoppers a shortcut to items that they are looking for and encourages impulse purchases. 


 We all know that Facebook is a giant app where millions of users are logged in from around the world. Facebook gathered its customer base when they launched on desktops but as technology developed, they knew that they needed to build a mobile app for their users.
The initial few versions of the Facebook app had limited features but they realized that they soon needed to be in par with their user’s expectations. Once they started paying attention to speed and space, the users for the app increased with frequent check-ins. With regards to space, they made the app look bigger with a better UI.
Through Facebook we can learn the importance of testing and then analyzing and interpreting data before making changes. Their testing is built straight into the app.


All the apps mentioned here are all large companies that can invest heavily into the product; there are a few key takeaways for the small or mid-sized apps. There is a lot that can be learnt from these apps to improve your own app. A well-designed UI, predictable search engine, user benefits/goodies, dependability, and authentic reviews are some of the important features that should be applied to your app to make them successful!