Our LAtest Blogs

A beginner’s guide to Progressive Web Applications

  • March 21, 2022

Stats never lie! There are reports that companies that have launched their Progressive Web Applications (PWA) witness a significant amount of transformation in their business. Take, for instance, in 2016 The Washington Post released their PWA which was a combination of Google’s AMP and PWA technologies; this change had them…

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Top 8 reasons to opt for Hybrid Mobile Application

  • March 14, 2022

For any business to bloom its online presence is a prerequisite. Besides, a business’s application will help them transform its organization. In the recent past, the number of mobile users has skyrocketed. Currently, there are over 5.31 billion mobile phone users in the world. The advent of mobiles has allowed…

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5 ways Metaverse technology will change our world

  • February 22, 2022

It is funny how we pick up on things so quickly, rather easily. Be it Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning or NFTs or cryptocurrency or AR/VR, we humans have accepted these latest technologies with open arms the moment they came into our lives. Now, take, for instance, the metaverse, the…

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What is metaverse, and where are we headed ?

  • February 18, 2022

We humans are social animals, we mean, most of us are. And we do yearn for social connections. In literal terms, it means a feeling that we belong and are connected to a group, where a lot of emotions are involved. With technology, all this has been possible, giving us…

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Top NFT Trends to watch out for in 2022

  • February 1, 2022

The idea of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) did raise some eyebrows, but the kind of show it has put up in the year 2021, or before is quite commendable. Let’s talk stats, the NFT trading volume added to almost $11 billion in Q3, per week NFT sales touch millions, OpenSea’s trade is surmounted over 800 per cent, the most expensive NFT was sold for $532 million; these numbers are just the tip of the iceberg, there is a lot that NFT has to offer this year as well. As we usher into 2022, we […]

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7 Mobile App Trends to watch out for in 2022

  • January 22, 2022

Elements such as the internet, smartphones, and tablets have given improbable leverage to mobile application development. The Apple Store has over 1.96 million apps open for download, while the Google Play Store boasts more than 2.87 million applications. With that, the mobile development market is expected to reach over $935 billion by 2023. All these number games, prove that the application development industry has proved its worth. It is given that mobile applications won’t succeed if t […]

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6 Common Mistakes to avoid when buying Cryptocurrency

  • January 6, 2022

Let’s talk stats. From just 66 digital coins in 2013 to currently over 7,557, cryptocurrency has surely come a long way. The rise of cryptocurrencies have given an upthrust to the wealth of several people. Released in 2009, Bitcoin – a decentralized digital currency, has a market value of over $1.03 trillion. Considering all these numbers, it is right to say that cryptocurrency has surely become a household name. Almost 79 percent of cryptocurrency owners in UK have invested in Bitcoin. An […]

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Top 10 Mobile App UX/UI Design Trends in 2022

  • January 5, 2022

Looks, Looks, and Looks… When it comes to smartphones, the mobile’s UX/UI is the first element that makes an everlasting impression. That means the look and feel of a smartphone should be beyond the user’s imagination. Too much pressure, isn’t it? Like fashion trends, UX/UI mobile design trends have become the talk of the town. But as the world constantly changes, these trends also continuously evolve. Be the trends such as DIY tooling or minimalization or using creative […]

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Best Hybrid App Frameworks of 2021

  • December 21, 2021

What according to you is an organization’s ultimate goal? In all fairness, we reckon the organization hopes to grow and bounds, touch the lives of millions and make a wholesome living out of its products. When we come to the technical aspect of it, going with today’s trend, the organization wishes to develop the best cross-platform app for their business, and with that, they envision incorporating a stable functional application to the marketplace. It goes without saying that the num […]

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Top 7 Backend Technologies for Web Development Application

  • December 13, 2021

‘Hey, so, your product seems interesting. Send me your website link, so that I can find out more about your product.’ The first statement sure puts a smile on your face. But, in case, if you live under a rock to not have a website, the second statement will indeed make you cry. In today’s world, a website has reached a pinnacle of importance. Regardless of your industry or product, these days, a user connects more with the website as it provides all the information under one ro […]

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