Our LAtest Blogs

25 Simple Ways To Promote Your Mobile App

  • January 9, 2023

Now, that your app is live, what next? Essentially, your real work begins once the app is up and running. If your app does not make a place in the heart of the users, it won’t take time for the app to vanish, making the shelf life of the app…

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11 Hot Mobile Application Development Trends for Your Business in 2023

  • December 13, 2022

                           In my opinion, the future of mobile is the future of everything.”                                                   …

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Top 10 productivity apps to achieve more

  • December 8, 2022

To get more done, in personal or professional life, being productive is important. If you can do more effectively in less time, it means you can take on harder and more vital tasks. In fact, one’s standard of living is determined by his/her level of productivity. The benefits of better…

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Top 10 Best Habit Tracking Apps in 2022

  • November 28, 2022

It is easy to get motivated but very difficult to stay motivated. As rightly said, motivation is what gets you started and habits are what keep you going. If you keep doing one thing over and over again, it becomes a ritual, a habit, and over time, you will surely…

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12 Fun Apps That Will Turn You into a Nature Expert

  • November 8, 2022

Curiosity has its reason for existing, the important thing is not to stop questioning. Nature, space and our environment are filled with amazing things that inspire you to be in awe of things around you. Be it a trail you never took, the butterfly’s species you fell in love with…

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Top 10 Apps To Enhance Your Spiritual Journey

  • November 4, 2022

As WB Yeats rightfully said, The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper. The fast-paced life that we are leading is somehow making us think that peace of mind is bigger than anything else. Spirituality is one of the ways to achieve peace….

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Top 7 dental apps

  • October 31, 2022

One of the important things that your smile reveals is your teeth and your oral hygiene. In fact, the alignment of your teeth reflects in your smile, and in turn, radiates into your personality. In short, your oral well-being is very crucial. In the age of apps and owing to…

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Top 10 benefits of blockchain technology for business

  • October 17, 2022

We have elected to put our money and faith in a mathematical framework that is free of politics and human error -Tyler Winklevoss, American investor and founder of Winklevoss Capital Management The faith in this technology has grown exponentially owing to what it brings to the table.There are so many…

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How to develop a meditation app like Calm and headspace

  • August 26, 2022

Be the hectic schedule, personal or professional qualms, despite all this, a person yearns for peace of mind. And owing to the outbreak of coronavirus, attaining inner peace has become a distant dream. In today’s world, peace is not the highest goal it’s a fundamental requirement. And people would do…

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7 easy steps to create a sitemap for your website

  • August 12, 2022

It is a given fact, that the look and appearance of the website are what attract the people the most. But what goes unnoticed is the behind-the-scenes preparations which make the website appealing. Known as the blueprint of the website, a sitemap which is often ignored by people is ironically…

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