Our LAtest Blogs

Wireframing and mockup basics, and ten best free tools

  • June 24, 2021

Just imagine this scenario. It is nearing the deadline and the project is almost ready. Only a few touch-ups here and there and the project can be handed over to the external or internal client. Your team has put in their sweat and tears to complete this assignment, only to know that the project was not as it was intended to be. Now, you have no other option than to start the process again, from the scratch or try to join the missing links. Drawbacks like these are inevitable at times. However, […]

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The A-Z about software vulnerabilities

  • June 15, 2021

Let’s imagine that you’ve recently purchased a sprawling apartment with all the fancy gadgets and equipment. But then one night, an intruder breaks into the front door system, loots all your earnings and leaves. While you are happy that you are safe, you wonder, what went wrong? All though you had all the high-tech system safeguarding your home, the attacker was able to make the most of the weakness in your security system. Such attacks are not just confined to the home’s safet […]

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Why mobile application development is so expensive?

  • June 15, 2021

Everything that is of superior quality is expensive for a reason. And these days, mobile application development is one of the costliest things of all. In the summer of 1983, Steve Jobs spoke highly about software that would be downloaded on the mobile, at a conference in Aspen. After that the rest is history. There are more than 3.5 billion smartphone users in the world, and around 89 percent of them spend their time on applications. Over years, the use of the mobile application from leisure to […]

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A guide for creating video recording and editing apps

  • June 4, 2021

A picture speaks volumes, right? But a video showcases real emotions which are worth thousands of pictures or maybe even more. Not that we are taking away the hard work put in by the artists. But guess what, in today’s world, where people have the urge to get things done instantly, they need something that grabs their attention quickly or rather easily. Well, why wouldn’t some moving images on your mobile screen heighten your curiosity? We say mobile and not desktop because according […]

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How to build a feature-rich app like Clubhouse?

  • June 4, 2021

To every cloud, there is a silver lining. Although the outbreak of COVID-19 devasted the whole world, it also brought in new opportunities for all. And there are some, who never let any opportunity go to waste. There has been a significant change in user behaviour, especially in 2020, and the app developers wish to encash on whatever comes their way. Just last year alone, mobile app downloads saw 7 percent rise, with over 218 billion downloads. With this, the nature of apps is getting highly int […]

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The NFT handbook, and how to create an NFT marketplace?

  • May 31, 2021

One of the most interesting features of technology is its power to persuade people and change their perception. We, humans, are traders by birth, and with technology at our feet, the face of the world has significantly changed. And more so, it has changed the way we value things. Take for instance this tweet by Twitter CEO Jack Dorsery. His tweet was put up on sale on Valuables by Cent, a portal that enables Twitter users to bid and buy tweets in the form of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). ​ […]

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Why discovery phase matters in software development?

  • May 31, 2021

Developing impeccable software is everyone’s dream destination. However, the journey that a developer takes to reach this destination defines the success rate. It is not a surprise, but most of the projects fail because they miss the deadline, there is a communication gap, the project is way out of the budget, the functionality and design aspect has gone for a toss, the software has malfunctions, or the user did not connect with it.  Research conducted by McKinsey in collaboration with […]

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Leveraging blockchain for vaccine passport

  • May 12, 2021

Staring at your bucket list of the countries to visit which remained unachieved in 2020? It is sad, isn’t it? Not able to travel or socialize, is essentially taking away the essence of our existence. The pandemic and lockdown have chained us at home. While we are grateful that we have food, money, and shelter to survive, but staying confined in the four walls has surely taken the toll on most. As per the US Travel Association, in 2019, a total of 1.1 trillion dollars was spent by traveller […]

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Mobile App Analytics and best practices

  • May 4, 2021

Growth, evolution, or success has been never by mere chance. Some combined forces work together to provide the desired outcome. The amalgamation of entities that make an app popular is the motive behind the app, how well it is built, what it offers to its audience, the number of downloads, and a few other things. However, what keeps the app in the heart of the people is the kind of impact it has on them. And mind you the impact must be coherent and remarkable. Of course, to come with an ide […]

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Aspects to Consider When Developing a Mental Health App

  • April 26, 2021

Creating a mobile app is an art, and the one who creates it is an artist. Surely the app might benefit millions, but laying the groundwork, working on the production, crafting various aspects, and then going live – to see an app from an idea to its fruition is a mammoth task. And to build an app that caters to the mental health sector is colossal to another level. Precisely because these days mental health is a priority for all. And the stigma over asking for help has considerably reduced. […]

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