Our LAtest Blogs

Why Mobile Application’s UX Design is More Important than Ever

  • June 26, 2018

What are the first few logical steps after your roll out your mobile application? Let’s take a look:User downloads the applicationUser opens the applicationUser looks at the various features and operating tabs to use the appHere, the third stage is the giveaway if you have created a successful mobile application. It determines if the user (who has downloaded the app) is going to be an avid user of your app or is simply going to uninstall it because he/she doesn’t understand it. This […]

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3 Examples of Successful Mobile App MVPs

  • June 22, 2018

​You’ve got an amazing idea to build a mobile application, what is the next step? Logically, it is to start planning the development stage and releasing a fully functional app. But the success of a good mobile app is when a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is in the hands of the user  What is an MVP? ​As per the concept that has been popularized by Eric Reis, “A minimum viable product (MVP) is a development technique in which a new product or website is devel […]

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Typical Product Strategy Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

  • June 20, 2018

​When you introduce a product in the market, the success of that product is directionally proportional to the strategies used while creating it. Defining a product pre-production makes it easier for the development team to approach the needs of the customer more accurately.Let’s take a look at a typical product strategy mistake and how to avoid them: Starting the Development of the Product at the Right TimeHave you ever thought of an idea for a product and then procrastin […]

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How Mobile Apps Can Benefit from Blockchain Technology

  • June 8, 2018

You could be working in any sector or industry or organization, everyone is talking about Blockchain technology. In the world of finance and financial technology, Blockchain apps are turnkey. But the technology has many other uses as well. These include banking and finance, insurance, fintech, jewellery business, healthcare, medical services, eLearning, travel industry, gaming, smart assets, online shopping portals, digital voting, digital identity management, distributed cloud storage […]

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How Does Blockchain Work?

  • May 31, 2018

​Blockchain is the most sought after topic in the tech world. But how did it all start? Well, the popularity of the cryptocurrency put the spotlight on the Blockchain technology. Nearly, everyone’s heard the word ‘Blockchain’ but very few know the fundamental technology behind them. It is not very easy to understand this technology; there are various videos and tutorials that you might find online but you will find it in bits and pieces. Here, let’s take a step-by-s […]

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Scaling Agile In Enterprise Environments

  • May 28, 2018

​A great methodology to deliver and develop better software is by incorporating agile practices.  While scaling agile in enterprise environments, one needs to understand the differences between scope and change control, and how to properly apply a given agile framework to bring in change without putting the overall project at risk. This involves collaborative agreements, iteration-based change control, transparency and effective stakeholder communication. “The 11th a […]

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From Toronto With Love — The BCTech Summit

  • May 23, 2018

9000 Participants, 270 Exhibitors, and 200 Speakers​Last week I had the opportunity to attend the BCTech Summit on behalf of App-Scoop.I am a TechTO groupie. The Toronto-Waterloo tech corridor is my habitat and I have grown accustomed to the style and approach of how we do things here.BC was different. Everything from the beautiful physical setting of being by the water and mountains at the Vancouver Convention Centre to the diversity of topics that were covered, the 3-day BCTech Summit fe […]

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11 Marketing Tips for Blockchain Startups

  • May 17, 2018

Blockchain is a revolutionary technology that has currently swept the technical market. It has gained its popularity through the innovation of Bitcoin crypto-currency and now every tech ninja wants to slide foot in this business and create startups. Although, it’s hard to crack the market, a Blockchain based organization now needs a remarkable showcasing procedure as much as a product that compels the audience. Startups need to promote their product aggressively, mainly through social medi […]

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20 Common Questions for Mobile App Development

  • May 10, 2018

​Raj Aggarwal, CEO of Localytics said, “The rich and interactive experiences we have come to expect on mobile apps have created new standards and expectations for all digital media including the web. The result is websites are evolving to become more app-like in their rich functionality.” In order to create this rich and interactive experience for your app user, you need to scope your project properly. To get a good insight and develop a strategic app, you need to answer the be […]

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What It Takes to Build a Blockchain MVP

  • May 2, 2018

This tutorial is focused on a web based distributed application. If you are looking to build a mobile or desktop application then this tutorial is not for you.  ​Blockchain is the next step towards creating a more independent, peer-to-peer and decentralized system that could take the tech world by the storm. The tech world has been buzzing with words such as, ‘bitcoin’, ‘blockchain’ and ‘cryptocurrency’. Blockchain was originally created to support […]

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