Our LAtest Blogs

How will AI Transform Mobile, Apps, and Marketing

  • April 23, 2018

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been in the market for a long time but has hit the mainstream market in the year 2017. AI is all around us; Smart Assistants such as Alexa, Cortana, Siri and Google Assistant live in our phones. It’s influencing our search on Google or what we see on our Facebook and Instagram feed. DemandBase reveals that Artificial Intelligence will revolutionize marketing industry by 2020. A report made by Tractica forecasts that Virtual Digital Assistance will reach mor […]

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33 Steps to Market Your Mobile App

  • April 15, 2018

​After putting in months or years of hard work of creating an app, the most vital thing is rolling it out in the market. The mobile ecosystem is ever-changing and sometimes you might feel lost determining the best marketing strategies for you mobile app promotion. Remember, content is king, so use your words wisely.Your pre-launch marketing should be stretched out over a period of three months. Condense the most important elements of pre-launch one week before rolling out the app and push […]

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7 Mistakes Enterprise Company Make Outsourcing Mobile App Development

  • April 3, 2018

​It has just been a few years that the entire world has been taken to storm by mobile app development. There is a massive playing field for developers considering that they can deliver on Android and iOS platform. Every need now has an app! For instance, you can sit at your house and order from your favorite restaurant, you can call a cab to your doorstep and even get your house groceries delivered to your doorstep.Apps that are built for enterprises need to be built for a certain purpose. […]

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A Beginner’s Guide to the Internet of Things

  • March 23, 2018

​It’s been 20 years that the Internet has entered into our lives. In today’s date, we have more than 2 billion users accessing the internet through various technological equipment not only on desktops, laptops, smart phones and tablets but also through everyday devices such as cars, lights, TV, thermostats, etc. Most electrical devices are now attached and controlled via the internet. These devices are “things” in the term commonly used, “internet of things&rd […]

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Blockchain: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

  • March 7, 2018

The Bitcoin fever has been spreading like wild fire throughout the world. Everyone wants to make some easy money by investing in this crypto currency. Bitcoin works on the blockchain technology. Blockchain was originally created to support the Bitcoin but soon the tech community has started using this technology for other purposes.Blockchain is the brainchild of a person or a group of people known by the name of Satoshi Nakamoto. In 2017, the global blockchain technology market is predicted to r […]

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What Is a Discovery Phase and Why Do I Need One for My Project

  • February 19, 2018

What is the discovery phase of a project? Imagine hiring an employee without knowing what tasks he needs to perform, what you would be paying him/her and the reason you are employing him. You’d never do that would you? Similarly, when you take up a project, you need to go through the discovery phase.What is the Discovery Phase?Discovery phase is the time you take to understand and analyze the project that you are about to invest your time, effort and money into. It helps to reduce failure […]

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Why Mobile App Developers Need To Know About Blockchain

  • February 14, 2018

Bitcoin has been the latest topic of discussion between work colleagues, business meals and even amongst friends. This virtual currency has made millionaires. Some believe that Bitcoin is a bubble that’s about to burst; while others think that it’s going to magnify its presence and believe that in the near future each Bitcoin could cost around $60,000. Who wouldn’t want to invest in a market where the returns are phenomenal? Everyone wants a piece of this pie! Like […]

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Google Plans To Improve App Security: How can it affect your Android App?

  • February 1, 2018

With the rise of Android apps, Google Play has strived to focus on security and performance! There are more than 2 million Android devices, and in the year 2017, 82 billion apps were installed on Google Play. So, it is vital that Google Play makes it a positive experience for their users to discover and install apps that they love.​Source: https://www.androidcentral.com/over-82-billion-apps-have-been-installed-google-play-last-year As we know, every Android application operates […]

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Another Stellar Review on Clutch!

  • January 30, 2018

​Recently, one of our clients took the time to review us on Clutch, the leading B2B ratings and reviews platform. Clutch arms business buyers and sellers with the insight they need to facilitate productive business partnerships. Since August, our clients reviewed App-Scoop on Clutch and we are excited to share some of the feedback that can be found on our profile. One of our clients needed an Android and iPhone application development for his lifestyle coaching business. The feedback […]

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Mobile App Stats You Need To Know Before You Start Building Your App

  • January 24, 2018

How do you start developing a mobile application? Or you want to make changes to the existing one? How do you initiate the first step? The first thing that you need to determine is the category of your app development project. There are three categories:Consumer (has potential for widespread adoption)Modernized (modernizing a new or existing business process)Migration (web-application to mobile-optimized version) Planning is the second step of building your app. It is a crucial facto […]

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