Our LAtest Blogs

Shaping Your Product with the Right Design

  • January 17, 2018

Have you heard of a phrase ‘The first impression is the last impression’? Let’s say that you’ve gone for an interview. When you step into the interview room, what does the interviewer base his first judgment on? Correct, the way you are dressed and your overall grooming. Similarly, when you launch a product into the market, the first thing the users will notice is the look and feel of the product.​But just because a product looks good, doesn’t mean that it per […]

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Mobile App Development Trends to Watch Out for in 2018

  • January 11, 2018

There are mobile consumers all over the world, and so mobile technology trends are important to follow. In today’s day and age, smartphones are increasingly pervasive and indispensable. The year 2017 has seen a phenomenal response with several mobile app trends restructuring the digital landscape. Mobile developers from all over the world are finding ways to make the apps on more sophisticated hardware tools, latest software and better hardware. ​ ​In March 201 […]

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Great Mobile Apps and Why They’re Successful: Case Studies

  • January 5, 2018

​Success is measured in different ways. For instance, in the app world success can be measured with the number of downloads and more recently by the number of active users. Mobile apps such as Facebook or Instagram have millions of active users, whereas, something as common as an alarm clock app might have a few thousand active users but almost every user has the ‘Clock’ app in their smart phones.Let’s take a look at a few case studies for us to understand the great mobil […]

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How to use Push Notifications to Reduce Mobile Churns?

  • January 2, 2018

​To keep up with the fast-paced digital age, it’s necessary for all mobile app developers to engage their users with their app. While concentrating on rapid growth, it’s also necessary to ensure that your original user base doesn’t diminish. John Koetsier of VentureBeat said “…user engagement is the new user acquisition, arguing that gaining a loyal, long-term customer is much more important than acquiring casual users.” Reference site: http […]

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Why is Customer Feedback Important for Your Mobile App?

  • December 19, 2017

​The best way that a product will thrive and grow is through customer satisfaction. Customer feedback is one of the key elements in driving customer satisfaction and business improvement. Feedback from customers helps you to steer your product roadmap to make the changes quickly and not keep trying to figure out what is going wrong through statistical or analytical data. *As per the recent study published in Statista, mobile app downloads will be more than 269 billion in the ye […]

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Pre-Planning Steps for Successful Mobile App Development

  • December 6, 2017

​Mobile app development industry is a growing and competitive industry. There are always a few apps that are successful while many of them fail. Have you ever thought why? Well, let’s just take a look at the entire app development process from the beginning to the end to understand what goes into making a successful app. Why pre-plan a mobile app?​Firstly, it is very important to come up with a concept for the app; what is the basic concept of your app, what is the […]

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iOS v/s Android: What to Build First?

  • November 17, 2017

​With the advent of technology and smart devices, the use of applications has been increasing continuously. The types of apps available in market range from social media apps such as Facebook, Instagram to gaming such as Candy Crush, Pool to local stores where the user can order groceries such as Grofers, Nature Basket. All these apps need to be built on a platform that is supported by these smart devices.The most common topic of discussion among developers, “Which platform should a […]

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Is Hybrid Apps the Future of App Development?

  • November 14, 2017

​The “application world” is a market that is constantly growing. Not only the app world but the technology in the app industry is growing at high speed. So, sometimes it becomes very confusing for the app developers to understand which app platform should be used – the native app or the hybrid app? Firstly, we need to determine the fact that a modern business can’t afford to not offer mobile apps that don’t offer the required software to its users. Hence, choo […]

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Is Your App HIPAA Compliant or Not?

  • November 6, 2017

​Experts estimate that there are more than 40,000 health related applications. That’s a lot of apps for an industry that is just starting to blossom in the market. This number will further grow if Apple decides to launch the “rumored” Healthbook.As per the latest rules and regulations, any health app that stores or processes personal health information, launched in the US must be HIPAA compliant. HIPAA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. The la […]

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No SQL v/s SQL Database for App Backend—How Do You Decide?

  • November 1, 2017

​The database is evolving rapidly. Old database structures are being replaced by new data based structures. There are two types of databases – SQL and NoSQL.What is a SQL Database?SQL or relational databases are structured. They can be compared to phone books that stores phone numbers and addresses. It organizes structured data fields in defined columns. SQL is a programming language that is used by software engineers to design rational databases. Some examples of SQL database includ […]

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