Becker Mining

Supplier for mining infrastructure

Executive Summary

Becker Mining Systems is a leading global supplier of unique system solutions for the mining sector. Their solutions include Energy Distribution, Automation, Communication, Transportation and Roof Support. The products can be used in all mining operations, and fulfill even the highest demands for use in explosive atmospheres. The team wanted a unique mining app to market and sell products to its prospective and existing customer. 

Becker offers multiple products and required a way to connect with its customers to tell about new product launch, share product help guide, getting more information for the products, contacting sales team members to learn about compatible new products offerings. 

To expand its current client base and sell and market new product, company wanted an innovative way to connect with new customer base across worldwide offices.
The team came with an idea about getting a mobile app developed to connect with the prospective and current customers and demo new products and company offerings.


The innovative way to increase the current client base and add new clients was something company had in its strategic plans for quite some time. Becker Mining is continuously adding new mining products across Energy Distribution, Automation, Communication, Transportation and Roof Support. 

Adding new products means need to sell more, getting new clients, demo the innovative features to its current client base, marketing the unique features offered by the company. The challenge was to find the right channel or technology that can connect office, teams and clients across multiple world wide offices.

Becker Mining


Becker team decides to get a mobile app developed that markets the new and existing products, showcase the features, providing help guides, and connecting sales member across world to its customers. 

The team at App-Scoop worked closely with Becker team to understand the needs of building the solution around their strategic sales and marketing initiatives.
The solution required building a mobile application for current and prospective customers and a web application to be used by sales and marketing team members. Mobile app solution allows customer to go through the new and existing products, check product compatibility and connect with sales member. Web application offers the admin, sales and marketing members to update the product catalogs, add marketing.


The mining app allows new and existing customers to view products offered by the company. Customer signs into the application to set their location preference to have the respective sales office get in touch. 

Customers can view the product details, add product to a project to view the compatible products, request for more product details. Customer can create as many projects they would like to see the list of compatible product they are looking to inquire about. 

The application displays the Becker mining locations around the world, customer can reach out to the respective office and ask for details. Each request submitted goes to the sales office based on the location preference set. 

Web application is being used by the admin, sales and marketing team members to update the product details, add marketing material, add new product offerings.
Within web application, sales team member can view the request to get a quote from a customer. Sales team member can view the details for request and connect with the customer to solve any query.

TEch Stack

    Cross Platform App
  • Programming language – React Native
  • SDK – Android, iOS
  • IDE/ Toolset – Visual Studio
  • Backend
  • Framework/Technology – Java, Spring Boot, Hibernate
  • Database – MySQL
  • IDE/Toolset – IntelliJ
  • Deployment – Firebase