1. Loyal customers want a mobile app

When organizations and persons contemplate between a mobile app or a mobile friendly website application, a strong consideration in the decision-making process is providing a modern and relevant platform to provide customer service and an opportunity for engagement with one’s most loyal clientele as well as prospective clientele.  A mobile app will provide businesses the opportunity to assist their customers and prospective customers with issues they may experience with a company’s products, services, or even technological issues such as difficulties ordering products or service. The convenience offered to customers to get access to customer service with the touch of an icon will help to bolster the quality of service Mobile apps are also a powerful  tool for increasing retention of your loyal customers by offering exclusive benefits such as discounts and promotions, as well as breaking news. 

​2. Data Mine

Knowledge is wealth and in particular, the more you know about your customers or those interested in your products and services, the better position one will be in to grow their income. A mobile app also carries the considerable benefit of providing an additional wealthy source of user data. Not only can the data from app usage help to understand the customer psychology of the mobile app users but by comparing the data from different platforms, it will also help understand the psychology of the wider breadth of one’s customers. Collecting such data will allow one to better understand their customers and prospective customers, which in turn, will provide for more appropriate marketing.  

3. More session time on mobile apps in comparison web sessions

​In comparing data collected to determine engagement levels of users of mobile apps versus websites across more than 600 brands, Adobe Digital Index found that tablet users spent an average of 24 minutes per mobile app session, while smartphone sessions were much shorter (nearly 13 minutes). Interestingly, Adobe Digital Index found that compared to those browsing websites, however, the mobile app sessions were 3 to 4 times longer. Moreover, the study found that consumers, on average, utilize mobile apps more than twice as often as they visit the typical mobile website. Given that users are spending more time on mobile apps then websites and are utilizing mobile apps more than mobile websites, it is worthwhile to investigate what sort of mobile apps users are utilizing.

Forrester’s US Consumer Tenchnographics Behavioural Study from October 2014 to December 2014 provides further insight as to the allocation of time spent by mobile app users on various categories of mobile apps. . 
As highlighted by Forrester’s pie chart, the usage among the many different categories of mobile apps is considerably even.  This helps to demonstrate that mobile apps are relied upon for a multitude of functions and not only for social media use. Smartphone and tablet users have grown (and continuing to grow more) accustomed to downloading and using mobile apps to organize and complete an array of functions in both their personal and professional lives. In one moment, an individual can utilize mobile apps to listen to the morning news and to help prepare a healthy breakfast. The very next minute, the same person can utilize mobile apps to help them crunch numbers or prepare their proposal for their morning meeting and to communicate with team members. The success and utility of mobile apps are limited by no factor other than creativity. If it can be conceptualized, it can be materialized.
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